posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 01:50 AM
yes, terrorism
the same way EVERY murder, kidnapping, assault and traffic violation was domestic terrorism....
because we need the dumbasses in DC to up security....because people never killed anyone before they got a hard on for harassing their own
so what now, you use another tragic event to push for the iron fist on your people..
It is so dumb.....and opportunistic.....
what did you think it was before the advent of the iron fisted government paranoia......or were they time traveling terrorists going through time like
quantum leaping comic book villains killing people throughout our history....?
this is not normal but it is not terrorism.....doesn't take an American paid to push for gun legislation to please the leaches in the UN to make every
instance of violence an act of terrorism....just no sense of shame.
although I know that unless we accept your dictatorial gun legislation that you will continue to kill our citizens like lambs to the slaughter.....
so how many people need to die before you guys get what you want....?
edit on 8-8-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)