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Hundreds of tanks and armor moving in California, Burbank

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posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by Phage

I do understand what you are saying. I checked the links you provided. 1. Still photography - Houston. 2. Santa Cruz - not the video I am referring to. 3. Plano Texas - not army tanks but other military style vehicles.

You have missed my point - the first video is the one I am referring to. I saw it on a site yesterday with NO editing and the voice fully intact. This is suggestive that the date stamp is correct. Still no definitive answer as to why the army tanks were in Burbank California - or at least where they were headed as they passed through Burbank and to where and for what purpose.

Anyone have a definitive answer yet?

Much Peace...

edit on 8-8-2012 by Amanda5 because: Spelling

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 02:10 AM
reply to post by repeatoffender

Bringing the equipment in by rail is more efficient than bringing it in by truck and it is a wise decision to do so. They do this so as to cut down on the transport time between the bases or National Guard armories that have access to rail and the naval bases on the coasts. This is also done to equipment like the M1A1 Abrams that go to Redstone Arsenal in Alabama or Lima, Ohio for repairs. It is also a very effective way to distribute equipment between Army and Army National Guard bases that have rail access.

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