I do understand that thoughts do not project well in type so......
I completely understand that. I often suffer from this, especially during verbal communication. I will try and elucidate the points in your post I
didn't fully understand.
Tree Of Life
Is this the title of your post? It doesnt seem like the bulk of the content supports this title.
Any info on the tree of life. My first visions contained it and Ive heard many things fromit being a calling from GOD, Jesus coming to me and the
Tree representing him, manifestation of gifts due to Mental Stress.......... etc...
Are you asking us for further information on the Tree of Life? So you are saying the Tree of Life was in your visions. Why did you interpet this as a
manifestation of God, or Jesus? "Manifestations of gifts due to mental stress"? Could you elaborate on this.
Im now almost 4 years old (mystically).
Did you recieve this insight? Or is this derived from a known spiritual system? What I mean is: could I determine my mystical age from the same
methodology you used?
By the way, since then my visions grew sronger and I have experienced other good and bad aspects of being a Mystic. I just barely passed a major
crossroad in my life and I would like to not see another again.
I was also told I needed to be annointed and that my life would be a rollercoaster until then. Not big on rituals but Im open.
Your visions of the Tree of Life grew stronger? What were some of the good and bad aspects of being a mystic (if you care to share)? You mentioned you
passed a major crossroad in your life but you didn't want to cross anymore. Most mystics have to cross such barriers on their path. It can wear on
your soul at times but is necessary for your development. I don't think it's a good idea to decide you never want to experience one again.
There are various ways to interpret one being
anointed. You should refer to this link to explore that:
Anointing was the sacred practice of applying a concentrated oil to someone in order to transfer the magic inherent in the oil to consecrate them to a
particular task or role, such as that of a priest or ruler. This oil was typically representative of holy spirit.
Usually this practice was for kings and priests. To be anointed was the same as being crowned. So my interpretation of you recieving a message saying
you need to be anointed is this: In order to recieve spiritual wisdom you need to start
acting kingly(just) and priestly(compassion for
Im also thinking about studying the Kabbala. It seems to be in line with my outlook, belief system, and experiences. Should I seek this
denomination to be annointed?? If I had to choose Id be a Christian-Kabbalist. I take no interest in any other denomination. AS mentioned is other
posts, I feel they all are missing what the other has and I see no point in choosing one. Just be a Understanding, kind, empathic and try your best to
be productive in a positive way.
You should study the Kabbalah then. Hey im a certified Master Kabbalist ^ ^. However I would like to point a few things out. For one you
show interest in other systems. You should at least give them a chance...to be just and compassionate to others. Notice the Tree of Life was a
manifestation, a representation of God; a greater goodness. These other systems are also a manifestation of this. Truth is beyond labels. There are
many paths to experiencing this.
[edit on 11-10-2004 by Lucid Lunacy]