posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 11:09 PM
There is a reason why we are all here in this "Faith, Spiritual, & Theology" thread.
There is a reason why we do anything, sometimes.
And you know why your here...
why do we reply to these threads that talk about God
and why do we reply to these threads that talk about God non exsisting.
Do you think you're going to convert someone?
do you think someone is going to stop beleiving?
its all pointless
"like chasing the wind"
non beleivers arn't going to start beleiving in God
no more than i'm going to stop beleiving in God.
So why are we here... wasting our time...
like i once read in the bible
" let the sinners keep sinning and the beleivers keep ....beleiving" or
whatever I don't remember it.
Anyways... I think I know why I come back...
why I come back to this place that is so...pointless
because I love you all... lol
i'm sorry but it is true...why I waste my time replying to threads...and listening to what everyone has to say.
Its my love that brings me back to these threads.
this is the only one I like to hang out on...
anyways.... yeah