posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 02:16 PM
Hmmmm, we have all kinds of arguments about "marxism" and what it actually entails. Leftists in the US claim the Tea Partiers are fascists and the
Tea Partiers say the OWS and Democrats are commies. Where do we break down the chaos of differing definitions per se?
Myself, I always speak classically, not using the neo linguistics (MiniTru verbiage) of modern propagandists in the media or the political arena.
Hence, I will give you the classical definitions and descriptions so that we can talk productively. I hate to be called a fascist because I believe
that corporations are not the problem, but a tool.
Classically speaking, there is only two lineages of power. One is to the individual and one is to the state. The state can be defined in many
differing parameters, they can be a monarchy, a republic, a dictatorship, etc, etc, etc. The governing body is the one side, the individual or the
citizen is the other. Leftism of any type accentuates the power of the state. According to the left, individuals cannot be trusted, therefore the
state must step in and make things more fair. Yes, yes, you will argue this point.......but your points will always use that people are evil and have
to be controlled. Regulation is necessary or those evil individuals will take control for their evil purposes. On the right, you have the true
anarchists, not the fake ones (anarcho capitalists would be a true descriptor).
So let us get down to brass tacks shall we? The left, be it communists, fascists, socialists, etc think that individuals cannot be trusted. The right,
individuals, anarchists, libertarians, some conservatives, etc think that the state cannot be trusted. What to do, what to do, what to
do...............Well, one thing you have to ask yourself, which is easier to defeat? An individual or a state? Wow, that is obvious isn't it? How
about those evil corporations of the supposed right? They are the devil incarnate! They force you to buy from them............oh wait, they do not.
The only time that corporations cannot be defeated, is when they are incorporated into the state itself. Hmmmm, where does that system fall into?
Fascism of course. Well, unless they use the state to seize the business when they fail, force the taxpayer to fund the company, steal the ownership
rights and then give that to the union employees. Still trying to figure that system of economics out, falls into totalitarianism somewhere.
Then we have the entire nationalism thingy. On the left, you have those that scream about the evils of nationalism and xenophobia, yet on the other
hand they scream about lost jobs and outsourcing of those jobs. Can they get their priorities straight? Which one is it, they hate nationalism or do
they hate internationalism?
Left vs Right, is not your typical walk in the park discussion. What say you?