posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 10:27 AM
When i was 17 i was in Panama City, FL for spring break. Parking is a mess there so hotels issued parking passes. i drove a 1987 Jeep Wrangler and had
the top off on account of the warm Florida weather. Someone stole the parking pass off my rear view mirror and a tow truck showed up to pull it. i
explained the situation to the wrecker driver but he did not care; he had already put dollies on my back wheels so he decided he was going to extort
me for $50 even though the front desk admitted to confusion and issued me a new pass. i was not going to have this so i called the police.
Police showed up, i brought the officer up to speed on the situation and he replied: "So?" No help whatsoever.
i did not have the cash so the wrecker driver was going to tow my Jeep from my hotel since i could not provide the $50 'bribe'. In disgust i started
walking off, threw might hat on the ground and exlaimed :# this!.
i continue walking away when i feel a tug at my arm. i swing my arm around in front of me and my new best friend the Panama City PD officer comes with
it. i am #'ed. i get thrown on the ground, handcuffed, and placed ever so gingerly in the back of the cruiser.
Now i will be the first to admit that i may have been a little intoxercated and as such i might have been being a bit of a smart-# (better than being
a dumb-#!) in the back of the car as i demanded to know what i was being arrested for. He could not tell me. i exclaimed " i have a right to know
what i'm being arrested for!" He turns around from the front seat and informs to "# your rights." This angered me. i told him to go outside and
tell the whole crowd that had now gathered that he said to "# my rights". To my surprise he got out of the front seat. i thought to myself: wow, he
is going to do it. i was wrong.
My friend proceeds to get out and open the rear of the cruiser to lean inside to where i am sitting handcuffed in the back of a police car. He leans
in, not to whisper sweet nothings into my ear, but rather to pepper spray me point blank in the face. Well, that shut me up fairly quickly other than
the screaming in pain. Let me tell you something, police mace is much much stronger than the pepper spray you and i can buy, and it hurts!
So now we are off to the station and i am in the back seat crying like a little girl: "please get this out of my eyes!" Keep in mind, i am
handcuffed so i can not even rub my contact-filled eyes. Cops are required, by law, to wash out the eyes of anyone who had been maced as soon as they
get to the police station. Well, my friend in blue doesn't want all this fun to end too soon so he stops the cruiser, gets out, and leans against the
back door for 10 minutes to prolong my suffering.
This encounter, along with the fact that in 31 years out of All my encounters with the police only One time has the officer actually helped me, is MY
problem with the police.