posted on Aug, 3 2012 @ 02:19 PM
I have seen Obama compromise many of his liberal beliefs when he is up there talking about policies and politics. He has flip flopped on almost every
single issue that he ran on in 2008. Many people think that being President is a job where you just sign things and press buttons and travel the
world. It's NOT that simple. Don't get me wrong, this is NOT a thread feeling sorry for Obama. This is a thread feeling sorry for every President
that has ever held the high office! It is one of the main reason ideologues do not get into the Presidency. Sure, Ron Paul, Rick Santorum, and Sarah
Palin, represent three corners of republican politics and they are great at articulating the republican message loud and clear for the nation to hear.
But, that doesn't make you suitable to run the country. That makes you suitable to launch book deals, Television shows, and host radio programs!
In order to be President you need to be able to flip flop on issues while keeping your integrity in tact otherwise you are going to be disappointing
everybody, just like Obama is. Mitt Romney is in the unique position whereby, he can and does pander to everyone on the republican side. You have all
seen the youtube videos with various Mitt's saying various things on the same subject.
Now, while many of our government hating friends would say this means Romney has no integrity, it means that Romney holds many secrets, it means we
don't know who Romney is! Well, it can't be worse than Obama can it? I would like to suggest that Mitt Romney's flip flops are helpful to him. For
this reason the democrats are having a tough time attacking him for his stances on pretty much anything he did in the past. They haven't even
attacked him yet for doing RomneyCare! They are only attacking him for being rich. A stigma the whole nation knows. To fellow republicans however, it
doesn't matter to them. To liberals who hate money anyway, they would have never voted for Mitt Romney in the first place.
Mitt Romney's flip flops and constant changing views on the issues allows Romney to hold the title of the most practical Presidential candidate I
have ever seen! One who is not bogged down by political polarization. Someone who does not let class warfare and rumors of dirty politics cloud his
judgement. His focus is sound. We all know that he is running on the economy. Why not give him a chance? He might surprise you!