posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 10:07 PM
When thinking about cities/places where covert influences have a stronghold, it is often the obvious that are cited. Washington D.C, NYC, Los Angeles
in America. London, Berlin, Paris, Moscow, Rome internationally. It seems to always be mega cities and national capitals in western countries.
Does anyone have insight to where the covert powers might have major centers of operation that go overlooked?
I'll provide one suggestion....
ALBANY, NY and surrounding areas.
Obviously, Albany is the capital of New York. The state legislature meets here and creates policy that will apply to the financial center that is New
York City. A short list of companies based in NYC that represent their interests in Albany: JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America,
Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, MetLife, AIG, NewsCorp, ABC, NBC, Time Warner, Pfizer, Trump, Macy's, NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, Hess. NY Stock exchange.
You get it. NYC is the meeting place of the world, especially when it comes to banking and financials. The state government that all of these
companies answer to is located in Albany. My first point is this exactly: Albany is the capital of New York State, New York State is possibly is most
influential state in America.
Point #2- General Electric is based out of the capital region of New York, specifically Schenectady. GE is one of the worlds top companies and will
continue to grow as power generation starts to shift from fossil fuels to wind and solar electricity.
Point #3 - UAlbany is home to the nations best program in Nanoscience. The campus is rapidly expanding and has built some stunning futuristic
buildings, specifically for the school of nano scale science and engineering, in recent years. Technology companies are flocking to upstate New York
and locals are coming to know the Hudon River Valley region by a new name: Tech Valley.
Point #4- Potential for development. The Eastern portion of Upstate New York is prime for development in the coming years. New York State is the third
most populous state despite having a fairly low pop density outside of NYC. It is easy to imagine Albany being a major up and coming locality.
Point #5- Suburbs - Albany is surrounded by suburbs and affluent neighborhoods with shopping centers such as Crossgates mall. One of these suburbs is
called Bethlehem. Another is Guilderland.
Point #6 - Adirondack Wilderness. For natural beauty, nothing beats the Adirondack Mountains, especially in the summer months. It is easy to imagine
an agent of TPTB working as a lawyer for the NYS Govt in Albany and enjoying summer weekends with the family at a multi million dollar house on one of
the Adirondack's many amazing lakes, like Lake George or Lake Placid.
If you didn't guess yet, I'm a local to this area. And it is often obvious to me how well upstate new york and the capital region would suit the
needs of the organization that rules the world covertly.
Anyone else know of a location that could be a central location for these people that generally goes unmentioned?
Or thoughts on Albany/ NYS Capital district?