posted on Aug, 3 2012 @ 09:24 PM
The simple truth is that every purchase, every thing that you have looked at on line, every comment that you have made there, every bit of electronic
information that can possibly be collected about you will be made into a profile about you. Your home will be flown over or driven by and scanned by
technology that dose exist. That technology will allow TPTB to know exactly how much and where any banned items would be located in and around your
home. They will be methodical and exacting in their procedures.
Why not. TPTB have had the last ten years in Iraq and Afghanistan to perfect everything down to a science.
In the middle of the night with your wife and children safely and securely tucked in their beds, the tranquility of your world will explode in a
blinding light of terror and confusion. you'll never know what happened.
Together we must stand. Divided we will surely fall.