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Police Tase 12-Year-Old Girl Inside Clothing Store

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posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

I absolutely agree that the facts just arent in yet. Truthfully the story itself doesnt really appeal to me. I only joined the conversation because of the way the thread progressed. People were making good points both ways. And out of nowhere someone called someone racist, and the topic polarized. If you had doubts about The mothers story you were racist.

I mean yeah tazing a kid is pretty harsh... But i do have enough respect for law enforcement to then say "the officer must have been pretty darn sure he needed to at the time.". I mean hed have to be pretty certain he had to do it... PR nightmare if he didnt need to

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by DaRAGE

Excuse me, a crime requires a victim. Name the victim of the crime that this "criminal mom" is being accused of? Corporations don't count, as they have no mind, feelings, consciousness, or substantive existence.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 03:35 PM
What I want to know is why did they cops go inside a store to arrest her for traffic warrants. Shouldn't they be focusing on tracking down someone more dangerous? Seems funny to me. And also if I was 12 and my mom was being arrested I would probably be freaking out as well. They shouldn't of tased her. Sounds like over kill to me.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 09:32 PM
I don't really like posting much here any more. Yet I feel that my 2 cents in this situation may provide at least some with a better understanding about "Tazers".

As a Military Police officer, I have never had to Taze any one be them child or adult in the course of my duty. But, yes there is a but, in Training I have been Tazed as well as tazed others. While its not fun, I'll give you that. In the military at least when I went through. You had to be tazed in order to train others in them.

When I was in you also got a nice shirt that said "I rode the lightning" lol..

Tazers to my knowledge have never ever been labeled lethal. Its billed as less than lethal, That being said it doesn't mean that It cannot kill. Just nine times out of ten won't.

This is unfortunately our fault. ALL of US. Our sue happy, mentality has caused this to happen. We want to hold our officers to the highest extent possible and we should. Yet as long as, people try and sue, cheat and undermine an already crap system. Its only going to get worse.

We need to stand up at town/city meetings, write our congressmen, protest on the streets. FOR THE CREATION OF A WATCHDOG GROUP. That handles all all issues of police acting against the law they promised to uphold as long as we stay silent, and let them police themselves, this is only going to get worse.

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Normally I don't advocate for hurting kids in any way but some times, on a case by case call. When I was younger, you didn't hear about 5-17 year old, murdering, raping, there where rare instances when this would happen. Yet it was never as wide spread or as rampant in our society as it is today.

This is an instance when we need to wait to see whats the other third party's say as well as the video to shed light on the situation.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 11:17 PM
Star & Flagged bro

Thnx for posting

posted on Aug, 3 2012 @ 02:09 AM
reply to post by Liv07

What I want to know is why did they cops go inside a store to arrest her for traffic warrants.

Exactly - I mean come on - traffic tickets? You've got to be freakin' kidding me. With all the horrific crimes going on right under the noses of LEO? Makes me wonder if this cop was getting his 'kicks' in Victoria Secrets in more than one way. Take a stroll past the teddy-bear nighties (pant pant sweat sweat feel your uniform get a little tighter in the knickers) - just happen to see a woman you know is 'wanted' and in the heat of the 'battle' taze the kid! That's it TAZ THE KID!

Ok so that might be over the top...then again maybe it isn' it.

Thank you Liv07 for pointing out what many missed.

To the OP - From one Gold contributor to another? Stop responding to the trolls. Please.


posted on Aug, 3 2012 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by IceHappy

IceHappy just reading through your thread noticed you mentioned Vietnam. I just wanted to say thank you for your service. I don't think it was wasted. A great sacrifice but no waste at all. Freedom is beautiful and there are enough folks (I would like to think the majority) in the US that love and cherish their freedom and would fight for it.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by silo13

Dont make snap judgements... It is perfectly reasonable to not take the mothers word... She has an arrest record spanning 5 years

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by silo13

Yeah, traffic tickets. They don't mean nuthin'. Just another law to ignore.
So what if the woman kept ignoring court dates and summons?
It's her right to be wrong and get away with it while the rest of us go to court to keep out of jail.

I'm sure she is setting the right example for her daughter, taking her into Victoria's Secret ignoring the law, and getting into arguments with cops.

This will be another OWS'er soon.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by Nite_wing

Also shes still on probation for a class A felony (drug trafficking). I personally doubt her story... Just doesnt add up. Cant wait to see the cctv footage

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by silo13
reply to post by Liv07

What I want to know is why did they cops go inside a store to arrest her for traffic warrants.

Exactly - I mean come on - traffic tickets? You've got to be freakin' kidding me. With all the horrific crimes going on right under the noses of LEO? Makes me wonder if this cop was getting his 'kicks' in Victoria Secrets in more than one way. Take a stroll past the teddy-bear nighties (pant pant sweat sweat feel your uniform get a little tighter in the knickers) - just happen to see a woman you know is 'wanted' and in the heat of the 'battle' taze the kid! That's it TAZ THE KID!

Ok so that might be over the top...then again maybe it isn' it.

Thank you Liv07 for pointing out what many missed.

To the OP - From one Gold contributor to another? Stop responding to the trolls. Please.


with all due respect...silo...shouldn't we have more information...such as cameras, witnesses, the officers story, maybe a news follow-up? presented, it was a terrible thing to do and the officer should be reprimanded, however, more information might change peoples opinions of the officers actions

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