posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 09:23 PM
I don't know too much about what natural plants or foods can help. What I do know is all the do not's. I abstain from alcohol and tobacco for the
reason you stated. I have a theory that maybe alcohol might not be harmful in very moderate doses and only a few times a year but k has really dropped
the urge to drink for me. Most importantly, if you're going to drink, do so only around those who are like-minded and on the path as well. I learned
the hard way that drinking to intoxication with kundalini active is a huge no no and also that any drinking around those who are unawake is bad as
Smoking anything is not good if you're hoping to get the anything from 4 to 7 to open properly. If you're going to use any alternative substances, may
I suggest the edible or drink form and with this one, absolutely, only done in a shamanic sense and absolutely only with those of like mind.
Preferably at night in a peaceful setting.
I don't mean to stay away from people who aren't awake, that would be impossible. Alcohol and other substances though open you up psychically and as
you progress on your path you will begin to be able to discern when and with who is appropriate and ultimately, you're urge to take part in these
things will diminish because you get a natural and better high just from living and CSF.
When you start getting doses of amrita, the whole game changes. Hope this helps a bit.
ETA: Went a little off track. My diet consists of only basic foods. What i mean is, if you can find it out in nature exactly how you're eating it then
it's ok. Anything else I abstain from and absolutely stay away from fast food. Also, exercise is important. I get exercise 5 days a week, I understand
not everyone can do the same but still, some form of regular exercise is very helpful for dealing with kundalini if you're still in the rising
Also, one last thing. Kundalini doesn't mean you're buzzing with the k energy day and night and you feel it heavily. If that's the case you may be
overactive or have a substantial block and in those cases it's best to put meditation away for a while. Yes, Kundalini has energy you can feel but
it's not meant to be with you in a heavy and constant state. I made the mistake for a while of thinking I was growing more "powerful" and many bad
things came from it, the least of which was the inflation of my ego. Many bad people were attracted to me and came into my life and I had to learn
some very big lessons. If you're feeling like that, I could only describe it as what is described in Star Wars as the darkside. Do not be fooled
because it will try fooling you into thinking you're progressing when in reality you're just regressing.
edit on 31-7-2012 by conspiracy88
because: (no reason given)