"Afterall, is it impossible that this entire world and that shooting was an illusion?
Is it?
If it's NOT possible, if it's not possible that all this was an illusion, and even your whole life...
If it's not possible, then how do YOU KNOW that.... that it's not possible that this is all an illusion? "
If you answered Yes to the first two questions in this paragraph,
you should not ever post to a conspiracy board again.
Because, you simply don't have what it takes to consider unlikely possibilities.
You shun them, write them off without knowing. This is the ENEMY of a conspirarist.
Trust me, all of the sane conspirarists (not an oxymoron, I promise!
) on this site already KNOW
how unlikely it is that reality, and or mass shootings are illusions.
And, sure, I understand... I understand if you're trying to soothe this particular conspirarist, because
they very well may be insane.
But in your trek for your own supposed sanity (which you tried very honorably to represent), you forgot one thing, that true conspirarists won't ever
and, in fact, that any .. actually sane person, shouldn't forget as well...
and that is...
What if the OP's not wrong?
No where can I see the rationale for what some people have pasted in this forum, how numerous of them say the exact same thing in different wording...
ganging up on and attacking the topic starter.
It's sickening. It's like, they can't even see they're saying the same thing over and over again. Just, repeating eachother. but, like I said,
with different wording.
Clone theory anyone?
How is it you read a thread, and say the same thing the person said before you in different words? then, another person does it.. and another person
does it.. and no one notices this?
I mean, dear god, THAT is maddening. How you all try to make sure you get to say something that sounds sane... so that YOU, yourself know you're
sane... and another part of the sane group.
Doesn't matter WHAT you say, as long as you word it, and give the impression that YOU ... THAT YOU... have just said something very sane, and
Remember, hypocrites.. here's a few key tips:
*Belittlement, or belittling people is a good way to make yourself feel more sane, and appear more sane to others.
*Sarcasm! Sarcasm is key. Who looks more sane than a person who uses witty sarcasm?
*JOIN the hoarde! No, no. Don't speak out or say your own thing. Say the SAME thing everyone else has said, in different words. Or, maybe
introduce a new little snippet of an idea here or there to make it seem new.
* Remember, you need displays of Self-righteousness and the mentioning of you being a parent and/or having children! (You could be on the craziest
conspiracy topic in the world, and just get through saying the craziest thing in the world, and this tactic will still pull through sure fire.)
*Saying "Me and my friends" does give a little credit to your sanity, you get about 10 sanity points for this. So I'd suggest typing it as often
as possible, as well.
For example: "Me and my friends saw a UFO in the woods the other day."
Yes, yes. Much better than saying: "After experimenting with Isolation and Meditation and these new Yoga techniques I went out into the woods by
myself to try some home-made '___', not expecting to see anything, and then a UFO popped out of no where"
So, here's a few key pointers to appear sane.
Also, being a woman on PMS on a forum or a man from the military.. gets you sureeefire sanity points. You may piss me and everyone else off, but,
damn are you one sane person. Or should I say Citizen.
Because you deserve that title. You warrior of sanity.
I really don't feel like typing anymore. I feel like, since I let off this steam.. that.. the truth about the ignorance behind (or in front of, or
apart of) such a large amount of people no longer effects me...
Afterall, I'm ignorant. You're probably thinking when I said that "Heh, damn right he's ignorant, and I'm not"
But... but... any person who thinks they're not ignorant, at least about something, is ignorant.
So, just stop. I'm right, and you're wrong.
Well, no. See. I'm not right. I'm just more right.
Which makes me the person who is pretty much right here.
I'm about 95% right in everything I've said, if not more.
"Oh boy, he's talking about right and wrong..."
OH, so actual defined Right and wrong are strangers to your "sane" reality...
(which is rather outside the box thinking, yea?)
But, even one thought of reality being an illusion is strictly not possible.
Sooo.. you have selective out of the box thinking..
Alright, alright.. I'm following. I think I've concluded your problem: