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Americans,,, We are SO Screwed.

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posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by libertytoall

Left,Right, Islam, Christian, if u still believe in all that us vs. them bs then you my friend are a main problem in America . dont worry tho they have a plan . agenda 21 . and while you are looking towards the Mideast they are taking your backyard. get out of that mindset. terrorist is a label they will apply to any who resist. meet Jeremiah. i am or will be a "terrorist" before the end i am sure. i already call for open revolt wherever i should too . break the system .

edit on 1-8-2012 by Another_Nut because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by libertytoall
The patriot act and drones were made possible to deal with people like you. You hate your government? What has the government done to you?

Do you think terrorism is a joke that doesn't threaten the USA? Do you think there are not sleeper cells in the USA right now waiting to kill Americans? You need to wake the f up.. Religious extremists want ALL OF AMERICA slaughtered. They also want to exterminate all Jews. Half of the Jewish population lives inside the USA.. Do you believe the war on terror is a big joke or something? George Bush was right.. They hate our way of life.. Have you not learned an entire younger generation is being raised and taught to murder jews and Americans at any chance available? Do you not realize parents in muslim countries give their children to Jihad in order to get raised up and gain wealth and power in their society?

YOU SIR need to wake the f up and know people want you dead at all costs. America is doing the right thing by fighting Islamic fanaticism. Even if 9/11 was an inside job, I don't hate my government for it. Maybe the population honestly is clueless to the extent of the threat so it was the only way to wake them up.. It's desperation mode right now. There is NO TIME left to wait and see. The evil satanic armies are forming all around is.

People in this country INCLUDING YOURSELF are ignorant to the belief system embedded into Islamic daily life. People like you are IGNORANT to the extent of the REAL threat that is looming and getting stronger by the days. If America and Israel do not unite it will be a death sentence to all of us. When the USA is broke who do you think will come running to it's aid? I can only name one country, Israel..
edit on 1-8-2012 by libertytoall because: (no reason given)

I understand your sentiment, even if you attack me like I am ignorant of the facts about fanaticism. And as far as being ignorant of Islam, my sister was married to a Middle Eastern Muslim, has 3 boys now adults raised in that religion, so don't talk to me about not understanding that culture, I have had my fill of education here. My sister was in Kuwait when it was overran by Hussain from Iraq. I spent days not knowing if she was alive or dead. So you are definitely preaching to the wrong choir kind sir.

You mindset against me, a fellow American is what fears me the most, and why people say Americans are so ignorant. So I AM THE REAL REASON FOR DRONES AND THE PATRIOT ACT.

I am not surprised.

Before anyone knew who the taliban was, I was screaming and yelling to anyone who would listen that this needed to be dealt with, but War, no,, that was a ruse to get the Heroin flow moving again,,, you know Big Bucks our fearless leaders try to hide while they traffic in drugs and worse. Give me a break, you need to wake up and smell the coffee if you think Israel is going to come rushing to America's aid,, they have their hands full, I am sure they would say F us if it came down to it. Canada and Mexico should be our best partners,, and they aren't because of the people I am sure you worship, who have sold us out,, which is OUR OWN GOVERNMENT.

You are protecting and defending the Beast, if there ever was such a thing.
God/dess have mercy on your soul for being so arrogant.

I was traveling the day the first war in Iraq started and while in Turkey i learned those people you scream about don't want me dead, they want our Imperialistic attitude dead. My kind sir, you have failed in your history, and thinking that the Judeao/Christian ethic is any better is sometimes laughable, when on the other side of view,, I am gay and pagan,, All Three of those religions would rather I not exist,, tell me something I don't know.

And seriously,
can you respond without the anger being so obvious? We can discuss things as adults here, and still make our points to each other. I have tough skin, so I am ok with the tone, but it is reaching the limits of what I would like this discussion to be about in tone.

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by MasonicFantom

I ceaselessly use the 1st, and always carry the 2nd

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by libertytoall
The patriot act and drones were made possible to deal with people like you. You hate your government? What has the government done to you?

Do you think terrorism is a joke that doesn't threaten the USA? Do you think there are not sleeper cells in the USA right now waiting to kill Americans? You need to wake the f up.. Religious extremists want ALL OF AMERICA slaughtered. They also want to exterminate all Jews. Half of the Jewish population lives inside the USA.. Do you believe the war on terror is a big joke or something? George Bush was right.. They hate our way of life.. Have you not learned an entire younger generation is being raised and taught to murder jews and Americans at any chance available? Do you not realize parents in muslim countries give their children to Jihad in order to get raised up and gain wealth and power in their society?

YOU SIR need to wake the f up and know people want you dead at all costs. America is doing the right thing by fighting Islamic fanaticism. Even if 9/11 was an inside job, I don't hate my government for it. Maybe the population honestly is clueless to the extent of the threat so it was the only way to wake them up.. It's desperation mode right now. There is NO TIME left to wait and see. The evil satanic armies are forming all around is.

People in this country INCLUDING YOURSELF are ignorant to the belief system embedded into Islamic daily life. People like you are IGNORANT to the extent of the REAL threat that is looming and getting stronger by the days. If America and Israel do not unite it will be a death sentence to all of us. When the USA is broke who do you think will come running to it's aid? I can only name one country, Israel..
edit on 1-8-2012 by libertytoall because: (no reason given)

I'm kinda shocked at everything you said, specifically when you theoretically praised 9/11 even if it was an inside job.

But I will just respond to "what has the government done to you?"

Well when I was about 17 years old, I was arrested, at my high school.

What happened on that particular day (Darwin Day, 2009) was pretty despicable. Due to our Nazi principal (yes he was a Nazi) the drug dogs and police came to school, even though drug selling/usage was no problem whatsoever at my school. I thought nothing of it, I never would bring drugs to school or anything like that. So they search every single classroom (disrupting the learning process way more than the nonexistant drugs). They search all the lockers, find absolutely nothing.

So in total desperation the cops decide to search the parking lot. Like I said I was completely calm, never expecting anything bad to happen. I'm about 30 minutes from getting out for the day (Senior Leave 2 hours early) and I get a call on the intercom. I go to the office and the principal says I need to go to the parking lot. I was still pretty calm but slightly confused at that point. I go down there and the cops are there with dogs. They ask if there are any drugs in my vehicle and ask me to unlock it. I calmly respond "no, I don't have any drugs, but here ya go" I unlocked my doors. I still thought there must be some kind of mistake?

So they search through my car and pick up some marijuana seeds and stems off my FLOORBOARD and commence harassing me. The particular school security guard picked up a stem and said "Thats possession of marijuana right there". The ignorance astounded me; I couldn't believe what was happening. All 5 policemen were ganging up on me, making fun of me, calling me names, calling me a liar, etc. I freaked out, I was in shock. I got a little defensive. They handcuffed me, and put me in a golf cart in the parking lot.

For reference, they also found a marijuana seed in the guys car that was next to mine. But he got no punishment whatsoever. He was a football player, which is why I believe he was not arrested. He was also black, and we were in Mississippi. I am white. So if anyone claims we are racist down here, you better check your facts.

I sat there for about 20 minutes while they all sat around and talked amongst themselves. They purposefully waited for the other seniors to get out of school and come to the parking lot before they put me in the cop car. It was humiliating to say the least. I spent that night in JDC. I couldn't sleep that night because I was so angry. I was in there with kids who committed armed robberies and assaults. Kids that couldn't even read at 17 years old. I obviously did not belong.

I've never committed a violent crime or stolen anything from anyone. I still smoke weed to this day because in my heart I know there is nothing wrong with it. I follow my own heart/morals and no laws can change that.

So to answer your question, the government humiliated me in front of all my peers, for absolutely no reason.
edit on 1-8-2012 by theroguelion because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by theroguelion

Yes, I skipped over the

What has the government done to you?

I had something similar happen when young, but let me take the other road, where I have been harping for so long.


I am taxed to death. Literally.
so, when I lost my corporate job, and decided to be poor and happy, and returned to my current field of work, I was not in good shape to handle the $ problems.
after asking,, no make that begging EVERYONE,, banks, credit card comps. etc. just to help me.
and got no help,
then we as a country bailout
BANKS, CAR COMPANIES,, etc etc,, but not hard working people who have a hold on the American dream of home ownership,, hmmmmmmm,, who hurt me.

My government.
They give BILLIONS to your friends in Israel, not to mention all the other Countries we give ''AID" too, but me, NOTHING.

Now I make less than 30g a year, and have for years refused to file taxes to pay for a rotten system
AND Put me Further in the Hole, when i was doing good and making up for years in the hole,, about to catch up.
the IRS Garnish my pay and take a months pay, leaving me to fend for myself.


Before, when I used to be a willing idiot and filed and paid,,, I was still being screwed.
Now they know,
Come and get me.
but they want THAT $$$$$$$$$$ to support,, Israel, and all the Wars, I don't agree with, and a social system that is about to collapse on its own. Not to mention Health care, and Welfare and etc etc

it has become the enemy on its own, and by America Apathy and ignorance.

Educate yourself about who your friends are, it is not the guys running the show,, unless you are in the 1% ???

I know I am a slave to this system,, don't try and tell me it is like a Boyfriend or Husband to me,, cause it is NOT>

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 12:04 AM
forget it

edit on 2-8-2012 by votan because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-8-2012 by votan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by votan

Forget What?

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 02:32 PM
I am very sad. Some of the comments here really are great, and I want to again say thanks , but one has me so baffled, and actually is verification that I am RIGHT.

For example: Libertytoall
said this:

YOU SIR need to wake the f up and know people want you dead at all costs. America is doing the right thing by fighting Islamic fanaticism. Even if 9/11 was an inside job, I don't hate my government for it. Maybe the population honestly is clueless to the extent of the threat so it was the only way to wake them up.. It's desperation mode right now. There is NO TIME left to wait and see. The evil satanic armies are forming all around is.

To say that Even IF 9/11 was an inside job, that it would not make one hate their government, makes me wonder

I know very well that before 9/11 people were clueless to what was going on in the world. Same NOW, but I don't think I would be OK with the fact that my own government did a false flag operation that killed Americans.
I would not be happy if it was on foreign soil and killed ''our enemies''. It just proves that our higher Moral Ground IS GONE.
We have lost the High moral ground upon which we stood in years past,, even then it might not have been that HIGH OF MORAL GROUND.

Really Sir, I am sure after I answered your original snipe, that you will not return here to discuss this, because you are Blinded by your own worldview that is twisted as what I see you rail against on other threads.
Were is the Dialog about this?

It really is deeply disturbing for you to enter into this conversation with such force, then disappear because you can not admit you made a mistake about your assumptions regarding me and who I am.

This is part of America's problem, lack of conversational skills.
Lack of Logic.
Lack of Mercy and compassion.

Sad, I am so sad right now for my country.
I honestly believe we are doomed because of people like this who refuse to sit a moment and listen to an alternative views without attacking the messenger.


posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by HumanitiesLastHope

You asked what I do?

Well, I seriously know that I don't do enough. Maybe I have felt constrained?

So, what I am doing NOW


posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by EarthCitizen23

Hey, I actually posted some of the things that I am doing on my other thread
I am EarthCitizen23, a NOT OWNED Anymore HUMAN

I still would like to hear more of your own ideas on this subject.

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen23
reply to post by HumanitiesLastHope

You asked what I do?

Well, I seriously know that I don't do enough. Maybe I have felt constrained?

So, what I am doing NOW


I am going to check it out now

posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by HumanitiesLastHope

Thanks, I hope you find it a compliment to this thread, as most of my threads hover around this subject in some fashion.

As an American I find that we are in big trouble, and I think some of the minds here are great enough to help find some solutions,, and hopefully we can all come out of this in better shape.

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen23

I believe this is in response to some major world changing event that has yet to unfold!
Whether this is economic, natural, unnatural, terrorist "false flag" or other is yet to be seen but i believe this is coming! I don't know when it will happen but i believe there is a good chance it will happen in september, maybe even on 9-11! I hope i'm wrong but you don't purchase hollow point bullets unless you intend to kill people! I mean this kind of ammo is not used for target practice or to wound but to cause massive injury and death! This type of Ammo should be illegal for anyone but for the federal government to be buying them and such a large amount of it there can be no denial that this is to get rid of a large portion of Americans! God help us!

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen23

I certainly agree with your OP. Our system of government has been been broken for a long time now. IMO, there were inherent flaws in the system to begin with. We're on the tyranny path. Our country is too large to govern effectively for the system we inherited. State vs. Federal is more apparent now than ever- and they often conflict. Any serious people who want to change the system to work more effectively will be vilified by everyone- because change on that scale is frightening- and few would wind up agreeing anyway.

Problems as I see them:
1) We've been under a system of brainwashing/propaganda to manipulate us.

2) We're being pushed in the direction of giving up our freedoms so as to be more dependent on the Federal government.

3) An idealized view of the past is used to engender extreme loyalty to the 'country' in the form of blind patriotism. However, woe to the patriot who misplaces their loyalty to the collective for individual freedoms. Any criticism of the federal government is going to be shut down.

4) We're lied to by our government because they directly benefit from the military industrial complex- so selling weapons, manufacturing wars, and being the police of the world is sold to us as our unfortunate moral duty.

5) Any anti-American sentiments out there are internalized and taken quite personally. It is seen as a direct threat and reinforces the propaganda we've already been fed. (This is not to say that everyone else in the world isn't also exposed to whatever brainwashing/propaganda they've been fed. It is quite easy to hate individuals that you think represent/reinforce a negative stereotype- whether it is true or not- and to confuse people for their very flawed government.)

6) We're given false choices politically so the Feds can further control the masses. We're being pacified with the illusion of freedom and democracy.

7) Our elected officials usually go to DC with good intentions. They want to change things for the better. Once there, they are thrown into a corrupt system and are manipulated into it via only getting cooperation if they go along with the corruption. They quickly realize they don't really run things at all. Their actions are dictated by those who control the purse strings. It's not the public. The Federal Reserve (not part of government) has all the money. There IS an agenda- and IMO- it is global. What good is our form of government if the people in power ignore and manipulate their way around it?

8) It seems hopeless, but I believe that one of the few solutions at our disposal (as individuals) is to be very active in our local and state government. We MUST assert the power of states rights.

edit on 13-8-2012 by LeSigh because: Line breaks

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 06:18 PM
Yes you are you screwed!
After Japan earthquake

edit on 13-8-2012 by xavi1000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by nosacrificenofreedom

It is only getting worse every day. America is in shambles and we pretend that either Idiot on the left or right will save us from ourselves..

they won't because they don't really care

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by xavi1000

Yep, Japan and Fukishima has us all in a bad place,, and no one here is saying a damn thing about it anymore,,,
and we definitely are going out of our minds here

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by LeSigh
reply to post by EarthCitizen23

I certainly agree with your OP. Our system of government has been been broken for a long time now. IMO, there were inherent flaws in the system to begin with. We're on the tyranny path. Our country is too large to govern effectively for the system we inherited. State vs. Federal is more apparent now than ever- and they often conflict. Any serious people who want to change the system to work more effectively will be vilified by everyone- because change on that scale is frightening- and few would wind up agreeing anyway.

Problems as I see them:
1) We've been under a system of brainwashing/propaganda to manipulate us.

2) We're being pushed in the direction of giving up our freedoms so as to be more dependent on the Federal government.

3) An idealized view of the past is used to engender extreme loyalty to the 'country' in the form of blind patriotism. However, woe to the patriot who misplaces their loyalty to the collective for individual freedoms. Any criticism of the federal government is going to be shut down.

4) We're lied to by our government because they directly benefit from the military industrial complex- so selling weapons, manufacturing wars, and being the police of the world is sold to us as our unfortunate moral duty.

5) Any anti-American sentiments out there are internalized and taken quite personally. It is seen as a direct threat and reinforces the propaganda we've already been fed. (This is not to say that everyone else in the world isn't also exposed to whatever brainwashing/propaganda they've been fed. It is quite easy to hate individuals that you think represent/reinforce a negative stereotype- whether it is true or not- and to confuse people for their very flawed government.)

6) We're given false choices politically so the Feds can further control the masses. We're being pacified with the illusion of freedom and democracy.

7) Our elected officials usually go to DC with good intentions. They want to change things for the better. Once there, they are thrown into a corrupt system and are manipulated into it via only getting cooperation if they go along with the corruption. They quickly realize they don't really run things at all. Their actions are dictated by those who control the purse strings. It's not the public. The Federal Reserve (not part of government) has all the money. There IS an agenda- and IMO- it is global. What good is our form of government if the people in power ignore and manipulate their way around it?

8) It seems hopeless, but I believe that one of the few solutions at our disposal (as individuals) is to be very active in our local and state government. We MUST assert the power of states rights.

edit on 13-8-2012 by LeSigh because: Line breaks

Wow,, I don't know what to say ,, you have it well defined in your 8 points you listed.
I will need to read later to respond more fully,,
but for now
THANKS for being able to say what I can't today,,
I am about at the end of it all with this,,, for me today personally looks hopeless,,
It just all seems so bad,, I just want to run away,, but there is No where to run.
The Whole Earth is as bad right now.

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