posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 11:14 PM
Maybe this should go in rant.
Early June we were hit with strep throat, yay me with 5 little ones.
Long story short, my 4 ye old can't shake it. Is scheduled for a tonsillectomy on the first.
She is now on a 4th antibiotic. In 2 months!
Last weds, at the end of her 3rd round of antibiotic, here comes the fever.. and now the glands in her neck are swollen. Off to the er...Dr on a
power trip because she been doing this for 20 years. Its just her glands.
Pediatric the next day. Pus on tonsils, here's a new antibiotic, call on Monday if not better. OK. Fine.
My baby is miserable and suffering, can't even blow her constant running nose. Breath so bad I can't stand irregular.I just want my baby OK. I am
planning on taking her to the children's hospital in the a.m. her fever keeps climbing.
Why in the great u.s. of a. Is my baby waiting for a freaking tonsillectomy?!?! When it's obviously making her so sick?! She is Suffering!!!
Just frustrated I guess. Anyone been here? I want to demand they take them out, she has pus on her freaking tonsils!! Ughhh!!!!