posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 01:14 PM
There are some in the world and even in this denial of ignorance site, would simply salivate over worshipping the HumanSlayer Assad as an angel of
mercy, and those who oppose him are in the wrong.
Regadless of whomever are the angels, the fact remains - Who Drew FIRST BLOOD upon thousands of innocent unarmed men, women and children, and then
after 14 months later, SLAUGHTERED tens of thousands innocents over and over again, without remorse, till the People have to uprise today?
Figure that out and you will know the answer to truth and reality.
Sometimes, I think the wife, relatives and even perhaps HumanSlayer Assad is here on ATS posting their pathetic lies to protect one's selfish power
and priviledges over the lives of thousand innocent syrians.
It is comprehensible why they do that, perhaps out of love, and love is a strong emotion. But NO HUMAN can or must allow themselves to be blinded by
love alone.
To do so, and succeed in allowing wrongs to go uncorrected, will only ensure even MORE tragic consequences happen later, more so it that defaulter is
the leader of a nation, which will not only bring doom to his nation as proven today, it will bring doom to humanity as deranged senile extremist
fools of religious or political doctrines support him.
My heart goes out to all the innocents that got caught in between, no fault of their own, but had the bad opportunity to living under a heartless and
inhuman national leader...