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RA's Armada Fleet/Force Of Arkmanra's

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posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 02:47 PM
Today I spent most of it talking with Horus And RA.

They reminded me that 2012 is comming up and that would put rest to wakeing and living a Jesus Christ,I mean most of this single cycle of life really has suck.So RA reminded me that the Armada Fleet that He promised to save Mother Planet Earth can be on its way in five years......... One day Horus showed me a vision by sneeking me on a ride on an Arkmanra(I was awake) I was in space when I saw another Pyramid shaped craft in front of us heading towards what looked like an astoroid.On further inspection the astoroid was made of hundreds of thoudsands of Pyramids,(They travel like this after they individualy come out of warp speed.)The craft then meets the armada and simply flips up side down to join the fleet.It was nice to be reminded that our Original Sun God is Still here to show us such events.All I have to do is hang in there for Horus's?/Jesus Christ's Day the 25/12/2012.

On this day we have worked out a LANDING SITE for one Speed/Black Reverse breed Arkmanra.Two will be comming in Though i will not see and film the other craft will be keeping an eye on Pierce Airbase.Which happens to be a shame not trusting you own Great Great Great Grand childen in arms.RA,Horus and O Siris has continued to wish this Planet well.Theres too many Planets making a come back to think about leaving the Planet alone again.I reckon they are shadowing any eager button pushes,Thats just my thoughts,I would if three Planets are on the line making a comeback,With 30,000 Souls in the 6th Relm there's plenty of help to keep an eye on them.. .

So after dreams of tottal and utter kaos I feel shored up that the whole of the Planet is going to be moved to another Dozen Planets.You see when RA's Armada Force.arrives,Some of The Force will go out to the astoroid belt and size up some huge pure iron.astoroids,While the rest make a home on Mother Earth,They select two kilometer square Roids at the least and then push the roid to Earths orbit were it is locked.Then craft mount up and blast a two kilometer square cube.

Then where the port facilitys are,Astronouts or Iron Men start blasting away the iron with an array that fans iron away.Once everthing is hollowed out to take on inforstructor its time to fit out using Earths machine shops.Every thing is added to support life in orbit plus and including for the new World.I.E A hydrogen reactor that would power rebiulding for ninty years,Earth moving equipment,Machine shop,Gas seperation unites,Airplanes Helicopters,ect.Is all lifted via a Ladder system nicked named Jacobs ladder.The ladder is made up of platforms that are the same square meterage as the Craft.The platforms locks into the base of the craft while another joins inself to the other end.You can add platform after platform if you wish while craft attach them selves.This means they can blast into orbit thousands of tonnes in one lift if need be.

So its time to fill with three hundred and fifty million Souls,This can take up to a month.They simply catch a ride with the Arkmanra(some carry four at a time)Once complete its time to split Mother Earth.This is the time for Arkmanra/Craft to start to mount the leading edges of the cube,They then start to spin the cube so that each side recieves the same amount of force,At two hundred and sevety rpm the warp reactor starts to change the density/mass of every thing on board including Man,Women and Child.At this critical state is when the body can leave its relm,So Coridors with rooms for up to a dozen people are fixed with doors are biult to stop the spread of tyrants.For you can be vulnerable at this warping time.At 360 rpm the side of the cube double,These extra sides are then cut away and inverted to form the under craft or needle/Tetrahedon,It then slows back down to 270rpm's,Then the warp core elongates to create a tunnle that is free from time and space.The Tetrahedron takes of at a rate of speed/time then its pulled up just inside the atmosphere were it plummets to the ground driving the needle home.We land with precision.

So all of this is on the cards for the hole of humanity,I just pray and hope evey thing go's right on Christmas day 2012.

With Blessings David Ford Junior
edit on 28-7-2012 by forddavidjunior because: spelling as always
to add more
edit on 28-7-2012 by forddavidjunior because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-7-2012 by forddavidjunior because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by forddavidjunior

I must have missed something. Why are they coming here to remove souls?

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 03:30 PM
Just a quick tip. After you end a sentence, put a space between it and the next sentence. Like this. And this.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 03:34 PM
You'd think someone who collaborates with advanced beings would have better spelling and punctuation.
We have had a rash of predictions like this over the last several days, all by new members.
What makes this more believable than the others?

Not that it is, mind you.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by GreenEyedGemini

The Fleet is comming to save our souls,Or before we fight over resources.Every man women and child is to be lifted from Mother for Worlds with replenished resources over the next one hunderd years.I am talking about the saving of the 3rd density/Relm

edit on 28-7-2012 by forddavidjunior because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by DAVID64

Why is it unbelievable?It the only hope we have of surviving the next seventy years.After seventy years max,We would of consumed every resource there is.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by forddavidjunior
reply to post by GreenEyedGemini

The Fleet is comming to save our souls,Or before we fight over resources.Every man women and child is to be lifted from Mother for Worlds with replenished resources over the next one hunderd years.

Good! Because this existence has left me completely exhausted and I'm ready to go home.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 03:44 PM
Bernie, is this you AGAIN???

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by HomerinNC
Bernie, is this you AGAIN???

No brother,This info cames from our Cosmos Commaders.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by GreenEyedGemini

Originally posted by forddavidjunior
reply to post by GreenEyedGemini

The Fleet is comming to save our souls,Or before we fight over resources.Every man women and child is to be lifted from Mother for Worlds with replenished resources over the next one hunderd years.

Good! Because this existence has left me completely exhausted and I'm ready to go home.

This Planet has come to that much bad luck it has been trying for a lot of Entities.Four thousand years ago we were going to recieve technical advances such as speed/red industry,Instead there was mass excodus.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by HomerinNC

Same start date, same story with different actors, same same same, yep!

And he even knew his alter "Bernie"

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 05:01 PM
Yup we are onto you Bernie now be a good ill troll and go away
ETA: this sounds like a scrappy script that was rejected by Stargate SG1
edit on 7/28/2012 by HomerinNC because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by Trexter Ziam
reply to post by HomerinNC

Same start date, same story with different actors, same same same, yep!

And he even knew his alter "Bernie"

Who the hell is Bernie?

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by forddavidjunior

Aka sopheruk, look for his thread about 2 aliens living in his yard
The guys a loon and needs serious mental help
He has a vendetta against ATS

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 05:58 PM
Out of 7 billion who picks the three hundred and fifty million Souls that go up.

That's like what less than 1% survive this mess what type of odds are that, what god would let over 99% of it's praised world of soles get killed, over 99% of it's own creation that's just not a possibly.

The story is interesting enough i hope your one of the chosen ones.

good luck with that.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by forddavidjunior
No brother,This info cames from our Cosmos Commaders.

Was he by any chance wearing one of these?

edit on 28-7-2012 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 07:34 PM
Oh my God, not again!!!!!!!!!

No one is going anywhere in December. K ?

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by HomerinNC
Bernie, is this you AGAIN???

The dude really needs to see a psychiatrist. Really!!!!!!!!

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by forddavidjunior
Today I spent most of it talking with Horus And RA.

How those two old doods doing, eh? Ask them about the time we snatched that Ferrari...


posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 07:47 PM
You know, it's a real shame that there have been threads created on this forum in the last couple of days, which are packed with videos, sound clips and a huge amount of background information about possible paranormal activity, which have largely been ignored. Yet the OP has posted 3 similar threads of nonsense in the same time, which pushes other interesting subjects down the page (and yes, I know I'm breaking the cardinal rule by posting on the thread myself and as such "bumping" it...and of course everyone is free to post on whatever threads they want) But do you really need to keep creating threads about the same thing, when none of them make sense...just keep it to one thread.

I'm sorry OP if that sounds harsh, but this really is just a load of garbled rubbish that demonstrates exceptionally poor spelling and grammar, an issue that I rarely mention as it's easy to make a mistake, but your posts are unreadable. So rather than continue to post these threads, perhaps sit back and educate yourself a bit more in the real world and then come and post a coherent account and people may take you more seriously.

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