posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 12:28 PM
I have a way to fix it all.
Put everyone to work.
America needs something big to get us out, or we are screwed. Lets learn from History, cept this time- lets build, and not destroy.
We just need the right person to lead this country to do that.
Example- After hearing about water rights being violated- I say the govt start a project including hundreds of buisnesses across the states to
accomplish making a waterpipeline the feeds from various parts of the country, all distributed through a major pipeline system that gets extended from
state to state.
That way, we can use this one major system that could feed off of places that have too much rain, and distribute it freely amongst those in droughts
causing food prices to remain high and other variables that come along with it. One pipeline- that feeds the entire nation as well as provides for a
massive workforce that can help turn the economy around.
edit on 27-7-2012 by Common Good because: (no reason given)