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UFO researcher Trevor James Constable, in a quest to understand better the elusive UFO phenomenon, began using infra-red film in an otherwise ordinary camera. Constable discovered that "Infrared film, exposed between dawn and sunrise in high, dry locales will frequently objectify invisible objects of various kinds living in and passing through the atmosphere."
Originally posted by Druscilla
Many of these photos shown in the video appear to be long exposures where any number of different things could be done to artificially create an effect.
The earth plane is under preparation for the incarnation in the mortal body of Ahriman ― the third member of the Cosmic triad involved in Earth evolution. The occult sequence is the incarnation of Lucifer in Asia four millennia ago; the incarnation of Christ in the Middle East two millennia ago; and the imminent incarnation in the West of Ahriman, the spiritual suzerain of the inferior forces, i.e. the forces standing beneath Man. Nothing can prevent this event, for it is Cosmic in design and integumented into the whole drama of evolution. As incarnate humans, what we do control is our individual orientation and reaction to the Ahrimanic event, to which current world trends are a sinister precursor.
I believe crop circles are created by planetary elementals of the air called "Sylphs". Sylphs may also be called "Wingmakers". In the Encyclopedia of the Occult by Manley P. Hall, the chief Sylph is named Shad and he is very ancient and powerful.
The Sylphs coordinate weather, climate, forest growth, forest fires, land animal migrations, bird migrations and the dissolution of static magnetics (Dor) in the atmosphere. They are INTRA-dimensional existing in both the third and fourth dimensional densities.
I heard about "Powers of the Air" as far back as 1970. I saw a female Sylph above West Vancouver in 1972. In 1984 I bought Trevor James Constable's book on infrared photography of Sylphs in which they have amoeba-like heat signatures on the specially prepared photographic plates. They are actually slender beings as the Greek term sylph means thin. Constable wrote that the USAF as far back as 1960 set up microwave defenses against Sylphs who they blamed for gremlins in aircraft and psychic disturbances against pilots. It is probable that the USAF was in violation of natural law and the Sylphs were trying to correct the Air Force's practises. Crop Circles are a continuation of the Sylph's desire to warn men to stop their environmental, psychic and spiritual crimes.
Sylphs are sylph shaped, like slender graceful young women. Paracelsus coined the term to apply to creatures of the air that he witnessed. Sylphs are male and female and they grow larger over their long lives, yet they retain their willowy appearance. Shad, their chief, is hundreds of feet tall and is approaching the size that he will find it more comfortable to migrate to the belt of comets beyond Pluto's orbit. Sylphs have no problem flying through space even though they are borne of the air and aether. Each comet is a being, an ancient sylph. When Halley's Comet returned in 1986 its magnetic field could be photographed creating a bow-shock and wake in the solar magnetic field 100,000 miles away from the dirty snowball of the 10 mile long comet body. That means the magnetic field of the INTRA-dimensional cometary being is 100,000 miles across. The comet core is like a pearl in a very large oyster.
Trevor James Constable, wrote about the US Air Force sending out Foo-Fighters during the Second World War to photograph and possibly shoot down the wing enveloping lights which were spooking their bomber crews. The German airmen were seeing similar phenomena and they named them gremlins. These gremlins were also known to cause mechanical problems in aircraft. Constable does not cite the bombing runs during which the Foo-gremlins caused problems but knowing Sylphs it was probably during the fire-bombings of Dresden and other cities where innocent civilians were killed. The Sylphs are advanced consciousnesses and they would have deemed such murder as entirely evil. The Luftwaffe may have seen gremlins during their bombings of London, Stalingrad and Leningrad where many people were killed.
Shad who personally witnessed the atomic war of 2024 BC and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 would harrass B-52 pilots and crews in such a way to let them know that what they are doing with atomic weaponry was stupid. Shad would activate or shut down non-essential systems. Also he would find fatal flaws in the systems which could cause crashes and point out where the problems were while the plane was still on the ground. Shad may have prevented the crashes of many atomic bomb carrying aircraft, "broken-arrows". These Sylphs were a pest to the pilots and ground crews and in many ways prevented the USAF from carrying out their missions. So the Air Force developed ways of detecting and repelling Sylphs.
Infrared photography showed the presence of Sylphs but it took time to develop the film. Royal Rife and Ruth B. Drown instruments could instantly detect Sylphs. Microwave and radio frequencies were discovered which repelled Sylphs. From a Sylph's prespective these "sounds" are like fingernails scraping across a chalkboard, irritating. Radar was developed which detected and repelled Sylphs. The frequencies used in dopplar-weather radar irritate Sylphs. Constable placing one of his infrared photos of a Sylph on the metal plate of a Ruth B. Drown diagnostic machine was able to determine that calcium was a major component of the third dimensional portion of the airy body. He later determined that the calcium was in an air gel web or mesh. As the air gel is less than one percent of the Sylph, the Sylphs were able to adapt and continue their bothersome behaviour against the nuclear armed nations of the world.
The USAF is made up of military types who think in friend or foe, them or us scenerios. The Sylphs are working against the Air Force and therefore are enemies, so the USAF is going to find their weaknesses and neutralize them. In truth Sylphs are coordinating a large part of the world's ecology and to neutalize (kill) Sylphs would destroy life on Earth. It is the military thought process which is the real enemy. The Sylphs have diverted weather fronts to help aircraft and people on the ground. They have done everything possible to prevent nuclear war. Some pilots who carry good conscious awareness were psychically warned away from deadly situations. Destructive wind and rain happens but if the large weather fronts from the tropics were shutdown the temperate climates worldwide would turn into deserts. Now the USAF and others want to take over the job of running the world's weather. They do not have a friggin idea about what drives weather. The Air Force may be trying to kill all Sylphs in order to take the responsibility to make weather for their own purposes. It would be just another plan to depopulate the world wholesale.
The GWEN , ELF and HAARP arrays were first developed as ways to destroy Sylphs, the enemy of the USAF. After fifty years Sylphs still own the skies. There is a military adage that whoever owns the skies has the superior tactical advantage and will eventually win the war on the ground (should it be decided that the ground war must cease). As Wilhelm Reich discovered deadly orgone accumulates over cities and wherever man applies unbalanced magnetic and electromagnetic fields. The basic problem creating deadly orgone is the conflict between men and women. Sylphs are constantly using wind, rain, lightning, thunder and fire to breakup concentrations of static or deadly orgone.
(Under Universal Spiritual Law the Sylphs are allowed to correct these imbalances because deadly orgone creates "unmerited karma" against a large portion of the population. As the catalytic conditions which could result from these static conditions are undeserved then the Sylphs can take action. Virtually all acts of war are "unmerited karma" due to the presence of innocent non-combatants.)
People using Reich instruments under Wingmaker (Sylph) guidance are assisting in the breaking up of static magnetics. The Wingmakers are asking for assistance on the ground because the chemtrails and electromagnetics from HAARP and GWEN are making it difficult for them to function over the USA and other western nations. The NWO wants a curtain of deadly orgone overtop cities so that they can control people. The western USA is drying out due to static magnetics over the whole region. Aluminium particles are used to get inside Sylphs and zap their air gels. Mycoplasma bacteria is only unhealthy to Sylphs when they work inside deadly orgone. The flooding of the San Antonio region may have destroyed a band of GWENs making it possible to move monsoon like summer rain to New Mexico and Arizona. The 1993 flood of the Mississippi was a test to place a deadly orgone cap over "Dead" Moines and St. Louis. Such a cap would have created a ten year drought over the Great Plains and turned off the world's breadbasket with all the dire consequences that would have brought about. The Sylphs washed away the cap and destroyed much equipment and credibility of the USAF scientists.
Originally posted by DerepentLEstranger
reply to post by DisUglyBoyHere
mister constables critters are real
i myself have some small experience in interacting with them
ahh i see the local denialists are here with their pinhole point of view
no doubt if some MIC shill sees your thread they'll show up to pester