posted on May, 1 2003 @ 11:42 PM
...heres a rather far-out thought...
...lets take something like the movie, The Matrix, as an example:
When people were within the Matrix, there were visual representations of various things...for instance the pill that Neo swallows...which is in fact a
trace program, visually depicted within the Matrix (to Neo, and I guess those around him) as a pill.
The telephones also...they represented a link to the mainframes onboard Morpheus' ship.
The phones weren't real, nor was the pill...they merely operated as icons, reminders if you will...a way for the mind of the people within the Matrix
to more easily process its generated access and be affected by events/actions (like trace programs or severing the connection
between the ships mainframes and the Matrix) that were external to the Matrix.
Follow me so far??
Now add this:
Suppose the greater majority of abductions AREN'T principally on a physical level. Suppose they are on a spiritual level...much like an induced OBE.
To you it is is a physical event...much like the Matrix...yet suppose it is really just a generated reality you are finding yourself in.
In that way...just like the Matrix...suppose then that probes etc are just visual representations of a spiritual invasion...of an examination of you
on a spritual level...probing your very spirit.
...just a thought...