posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by Mr Headshot
Don't mean to interrupt and send a comment to someone else's question, but your response to their question reminded me of this really interesting
radio broadcast that I heard on Coast To Coast Am Radio with George Noory,and the person being interviewed discusses shadow people namely a certain
Shadow man with a Black Hat... in the interview she talks about her paranormal experiences and those of persons she has been in contact with, and they
seem to revolve around the same personality. The description that you give of the guy your wife sees is not the same, But, it's important to take
notice of the fact that the feelings and intuitions she has are totally negative if not strongly negative regarding this "visitor." If it doesn't
feel good and is totally negative, you should be weary of it: (maybe even pray for protection a little,). The website that I found for these shadow
visitors is this one: and you can learn more about the author, Heidi Hollis here, or here: Like I said she was on Coast to Coast and if you look her up on youtube you might be able to
find the interview with Mr.George Noory who is totally an avid devourer of themes and issues revolving around the paranormal- his shows are so
excellent, don't know what else to tell you: check him out.Here is a link from Coast to Coast introducing her: and then over here is a link for a portion of the actual interview she conducts on the same
program: Noory has a great voice and he is just so knowledgeable about all of this stuff
that he winds up inviting intriguing people to his talk show.. You should listen to a little bit of the show to see if you like it- she also gets
into ufo abductions, but that's not something I'm particuarly interested in. The shadow folks though are another story.. Her book Jesus is No Joke
is probably interesting, but I haven't read it yet, although I probably should.. Hope the links are something you and your wife might like..