posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 05:47 AM
Outrageous, how the TSA guys react.
Very unprofessional.
If they have a problem with somebody filming, they could adress it in a civilised manner.
As well they obviously have no clues about the rules and regulations.
It is, at least where i come from, not allowed to film in train stations without the consent of the operating company. However, no one really cares
about private videos like this.
So going on about being a terrorist activity is wrong and counter productive communication.
All we see in the video are overweighted guys pulling around a table, so i don t see where there would be security concerns in this. The whole
statement was basically TSA is at the station, which is a fact and no secret.
Most telling phrase, which shows the mindset of these uniformed bullies is heard at 1:39: 'America does not matter'. And that from a guy whose job
is to protect enforce the security of the american citizens!
I know, in general all security jobs (be it TSA, police, bouncer or other) involves dealing with difficult people and situations. Good communication
and behaviour makes the job much easier for both sides. Bad communication, as in the video makes it far worse, and provokes backlashes.