This post isn't going to make me any friends and I really don't care. There are so many supposedly awake people on ATS who couldn't be more a part of
the system that is taking them down if they tried.
I will start by stating that I am a registered Republican but I couldn't be more disgusted with them.
The Tea Party started out with a collection of true and feeling Americans. I didn't agree with everything they had to say but it was honest. They
have been taken over by corporate interests.
The Democrats really aren't much better. And, no, this isn't a flat out Ron Paul though I admit more than a touch of respect for the man.
All these posts claiming that Romney will save "us" from Obama. NO, he won't. I love the way that Romney gets called a good little capitalist (in
stark contrast to scary Obama socialism). He is not a good capitalist. Not even close. A good capitalist would not leave behind a string of
bankrupt companies. That is exactly what Romney via Bain did. He purchased companies with a combination of real capital and debt. He then loaded
those companies up with more debt than should have been legally allowed. The books then reflected the inclusion of that debt as company worth which
he quickly extracted. Then he severed ties with those companies and shortly thereafter they went under. But Romney and his capital gains were gone.
A good capitalist would recognize a string of bankruptcies as a bad thing. A con man picks a mark sucks it dry and then moves on to the next. Are we
saying that capitalism is a con? I don't think it is, I think market factors like utter failure (bankruptcy) were meant to reign in the that sort of
The tax return.
Notice, singular. It's all about 2009. Can I prove this? No. But take a moment and think about it. He released multiple years for prior
consideration for President, VP for McCain, finance records for stint as governor, etc. He has since released 2010 and a partial for 2011. The only
year missing is 2009. Sure maybe this shows some massive off shore holding, but I don't think so. I subscribe to the theory that like many super
rich he got hit with major market losses in 2008. I suspect he wrote them off on his 2009 taxes. I submit to you that a man richer than our last 10
presidents combined may have paid ZERO dollars on his 2009 return. Now that would be a great political reason to withhold them despite the mounting
pressure wouldn't it. How do YOU feel about subsidizing his market losses. Should YOU have paid more taxes in 2009 than Romney?
For any dems who might be feeling friendly toward me at this point, don’t. Don’t think that just because I can see what is wrong with my own
party I think that yours is any better. It is isn’t.
This country has been steadily and stealthily bought and paid for the super rich. Thanks to the Citizens United Supreme Court decision corporations
are effectively people. That is just ridiculous. They can spend as much money on elections as they want. Nobody in power is looking out for the
U.S. and its citizens. Our freedoms are eroded and we are kept in a perpetual loop of fear. There has to be collusion on both sides of the aisle for
it to have gotten to this state. The partisan bickering is real and heartfelt for some new comers but is otherwise just a ruse to keep us distracted
as our livlihood, our freedoms, and our country is literally stolen from us.
Obama hasn’t done half of what was promised. The corporations have not been reigned in. They send our jobs overseas and then pay to put
politicians in power who will continue to vote as the corporations would like them to. Good luck Average Joe, you just don’t have enough money or
power for them to care one little bit about what you want. Oh, sure you get a vote but if both candidates are already in somebody’s pocket isn’t
that just a sham meant to keep you feeling in the loop?
In case that sounded a little too much like I favor Occupy: they are right on some points, certainly. But too much of it is perma kids (twenties and
such) who seem to think it’s like Woodstock.
Our country is in very real trouble. And even here in the land of the “awake” I see a lot more interest in sound bytes and flags than in taking
the time to piece it all together for real.
And I blame us. You and me.
There are, though they will deny it, racists on this board who will hate Obama for his failure to be purely caucasian. Get over it. White doesn’t
make us better, it only makes us more prone to sunburn.
Some of you don’t do your homework. You slam the mainstream media at every turn but do you really do your research? Do you really go out and look
for the real answers? I generally see more intellect and hard core digging going on in terms of things James Holmes, or last summer’s mystery girl.
The scope of the skills evidenced by the members of this board is breath taking. But we all play right into the latest “fad” be it real news,
false flag speculation, or game play. Why aren’t we researching the far more boring topics of which the powers that be would prefer we remain
ignorant? Oh, that’s right it’s boring. Don’t you get it yet, American Idol doesn’t cut it for you as Bread and Circus style they give you others more tailor made to your interests?
You, me, all of us need to learn our history. And good lord we need to study real economics. Then we need to ask hard questions. Debate them with
civility because the pieces we most often need are those accurate pieces that are held by the person who DOES NOT agree with us. Take from each other
and learn, learn, learn.
I don’t know how we can save the country but it sure isn’t by harping on how Romney can save the country because he is a capitalist if you
haven’t actually looked at the real outcome (beyond the millions into his pockets and a few of his closest investors) of his actions. How many
small businesses do you think got stiffed on a bill because Romney extracted capital from a company that later went under? And that’s a
qualification for President? Nor is it to believe that Obama can do no wrong. Or ridicule those who question his very eligibility to lead. Yes,
there are ignorant people in the birther movement who hate him for race issues. But could we stop assuming ALL birthers are racist? I am not quite a
birther but there are some questions unanswered, there are too many records withheld. It is fair to examine the issue.
If anyone is still reading this than I perhaps judged you too harshly in the title. Thanks for hanging in there.
We are all so caught up in the wrong things. And I find it all so frustrating.
If we as adults don’t really do our homework then we probably aren’t really making our kids do it either. Then we blame the public schools. I
can’t even believe that in an era when the middle class and the working class are being systematically destroyed we have somehow decided to turn all
our bottled fury on teachers. Sure, some suck. But your fury isn’t at really at them, admit it and then find a legal and meaningful way to channel
that fury for actual change that will be for the good of our country. As citizens most of us have not been called to arms for our country, but that
doesn’t mean we should just be hanging back with the remote control.
There is a NWO agenda. But the big strokes aren’t dramatic. Please tolerate boredom for the sake of your country.
edit on 26-7-2012 by
watcher3339 because: typo
edit on 26-7-2012 by watcher3339 because: (no reason given)