posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 12:28 PM
Hello ATS & members.
I love ATS, have been visiting (lurking) for the last few years. The amazing insights of members & knowledge have given me so much enjoyment,
sometimes fear, questions to ask & always induces the desire to learn more.
I am interested in many of the forums on the site but especially enjoy the Fragile Earth & Ancient Civilization threads. I have always enjoyed earth
science, earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, geology. Enjoy watching history, science, weather, & discovery channels. I have a background
education in science, have been a scuba instructor & boat captain. I am 1/2 mermaid & 1/2 pirate I tell my sons. Sure hope I will in some way be
able to contribute to the discussion. I'm taking the Plunge.