posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 12:01 PM
This is my first op, didn't want it to be a rant, however it needs to adressed. I have seen, we will call in the last year, at least 100 instances of
someone trying to have intelligent discourse about a sensitive topic( which ones aren't important) and it gets derailed every time by people being
bigotted about somthing while at the same time acussing others of being bigots.
Look, we are all adults here( well maybe not) there is no reason we shouldn't be able to look past the stink of our neighbors crap and smell our
own. None of us is nearly as perfect as many keep claiming.
So once again, why is it that some of you are more than willing to point out the shortcomings of others while in the same sentence unleashing your
own idiotic bigotry in an air of superiority for having shown them they are racist/bigots...etc
For example, I was reading some of the responses in the "gay agenda" thread. At one time in one sentece I saw a member deny ignorance, and expose
their own. It was quite distasteful, to see. The commentor made a couple good points, followed by obvious racially motivated negative stereotypes.
That isn't the only time, there are many more examples, and I won't claim to be innocent, I honestly don't believe I have said anything that would
belittle others because of race/religion...etc as I try to take into account that others lives and experiences may have been entirely different from
my own. However that does not mean that even tbough unintentional it didn't occur, so just as maybe my intent was not to offend, offense may have
been taken. And as such maybe i just misunderstood, if that is the case than disreguard this post, andenjoy your lives.