posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 01:11 PM
There is something about this Aurora shooting that seems waaayyy off to me. How does an unemployed neuro psych graduate student afford all that fancy
stuff? Automatic weapons, tons of ammo, heavy-duty body armor, and all those fancy booby-traps in his apartment.....It seems to me that he would need
at least $10,000 to buy all that stuff.
Even if the whole thing came to $2000, what unemployed student can afford that? I understand that the automatic rifle he used is at least $1000 by
itself. Mortars and other fancy weaponry in the apartment? Where does a student in the school of psychology get all this stuff? And who taught him?
I was a neuro psych major too, I don't ever remember them teaching us sophisticated booby trapping techniques.
The way the gunman meekly surrendered and confessed everything.....the rumors that he was assisted to get inside by somebody else who propped open
locked doors for him....He acted like a brainwashed assassin. Remember Sirhan Sirhan? Completely brainwashed and confused, then conveniently locked
in solitary confinement so he can't talk.
They found a malleable guy, a loner with no electronic trail on social media, and turned him into a killer....just in time, right before the UN votes
on the small arms treaty.
Shades of MKUltra??
The University of Colorado, Denver is mentioned as one of the institutions involved in the MK-ULTRA project of the CIA, which focused on
controlling the minds of ordinary citizens so as to induce them into performing assassinations.
An account of one such experiment, from all the way back in 1954, showed that it was possible to get individuals to fire a gun and then forget about
it. (Incidentally, this is precisely the pattern evinced in the Sirhan Sirhan shooting. Sirhan fired a pistol in the general direction of Robert
Kennedy, but then after being apprehended was never able to remember anything about the case.) The New York Times reported on the MK-ULTRA mind
control program in 1978, following the wake of the Church Committee Hearings
Our government has shown that it has no qualms about murdering innocent civilians in order to get it's goals accomplished.