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posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 08:24 AM
This is a hypothetical question. I read a lot of old writings and see there are apocalyptic writings in some of them. These writings talk about certain Gods or Angels doing things that lead up to the end times. These writings sometimes say that gods/angels would be born and do these special things as part of their destiny. I'll give an example of a couple of these that are better known. There is Baldr who is born and is the start of the big end war between the gods. There is also Apollyon who is reborn in a person and has a mission to release the locusts to torture the wicked. Also the Anti-christ is to be instilled in a person who was already destined to be born. It appears that these Angelic or God spirits are going to inhabit certain chosen individuals at a predestined time.

This is a thread seeking opinions of what you would do if you found you had one of these predestined jobs. Maybe the job that was destined for you started the end of the world as we know it. If it is destined we cannot change this supposedly. So if you were the one destined to do something that is not "you" would you do it or would we even have a choice. Baldr coming back starts a series of events. Apollyon is in the middle of a series of events. Even Lucifer has his job and takes human form. Demons take over people in this also.

So, if you found that you were chosen to do these things what would you do?

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 08:34 AM
Thats a riddle for the ages my friend.

Theologians have argued free will.

Scholars, scientist, philosophers have all questioned if we have it.

So who knows, again is it simply seeing the outcome from the start by a being thats outside of time.

and does observing the outcome set it in stone.

Again you ask a far deeper question than I think you know.

its also the same with time travel, can you kill your father before he conceives you.

Just because you have the will to do something does not mean you can.

also its pretty clear what happens to all these "minions" so to answer the point of your OP, I will say, I would do everything in my power to get in the Creators good graces.

But again would I even have the ability too?
edit on 22-7-2012 by benrl because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by rickymouse
This is a hypothetical question. I read a lot of old writings and see there are apocalyptic writings in some of them. These writings talk about certain Gods or Angels doing things that lead up to the end times. These writings sometimes say that gods/angels would be born and do these special things as part of their destiny. I'll give an example of a couple of these that are better known. There is Baldr who is born and is the start of the big end war between the gods. There is also Apollyon who is reborn in a person and has a mission to release the locusts to torture the wicked. Also the Anti-christ is to be instilled in a person who was already destined to be born. It appears that these Angelic or God spirits are going to inhabit certain chosen individuals at a predestined time.

This is a thread seeking opinions of what you would do if you found you had one of these predestined jobs. Maybe the job that was destined for you started the end of the world as we know it. If it is destined we cannot change this supposedly. So if you were the one destined to do something that is not "you" would you do it or would we even have a choice. Baldr coming back starts a series of events. Apollyon is in the middle of a series of events. Even Lucifer has his job and takes human form. Demons take over people in this also.

So, if you found that you were chosen to do these things what would you do?

Watch the movie, "One Night with the King." Esther was told that she had the choice. If she didn't rise to save her people, another would be called to do it in her place. God's will is done, even in the absence of our service. Cyrus is another example of this. He was evil, yet doing God's will. Read Isaiah 45. God called him, "His anointed one."

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by rickymouse

Dear rickymouse,

I don't think you understand the situation. We have a thing called free will. If I flip a coin a thousand times, there is the possibility that eventually it will land on its edge. You are human and I am human and there are 7 billion humans, what are the odds that one of us will flip out and do something horrible? Does that mean that the person who flips out was predestined to do something horrible? No, that was an individual choice.

You are responsible for you. All the justifications in the world do not excuse you for your actions, you choose what you do. Free will is not an excuse for your choices, you are still responsible for the ones you choose. If I put a piece of candy on the table and I know eventually someone will choose to steal it, they are still responsible for stealing it. It is the choice that we are responsible for, not the possibility that we might make the choice.

Free will is not an excuse for doing wrong, it merely allows us to define ourselves. It remains our choice. You are responsible for your choices and to blame God or others is a a lie. The fact that you have a choice does not mean others are responsible for the choice you make. You are responsible for your choices so pick with that concern. Someone will make a selfish choice; but, it doesn't have to be you, that is your choice and you are responsible for it. If you hear a voice in your head telling you to do something evil, it is still your choice if you decide to do it. You are responsible for your choices. The question is not what others might do, it is what choice do you make.

If the odds are one in a hundred that someone will steal a cookie, it does not justify stealing the cookie for the one, that is a choice. Take responsibility for you choices because you will be judged by them, your choices and not your options.You have the option of doing wrong, you choose whether or not you do so. You are responsible for you choices. This is true whether or not you believe there is a god or not, you are responsible for your choices.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by AQuestion

I'm always responsible for my actions. Even if a person is drunk he is still responsible for his actions. Drugs only lessen inhibitions but strong morals can overcome that.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by rickymouse

Destiny is fickle. What is more, everyone acts as though a destiny is a singular path or road. It is NEVER that simple. It changes on the winds of fate with each choice you make. That is your free will, choice. You don't have free will in the concept you think you do. You don't decide when to die, what diseases you are inflicted with, who will come into your world and infringe upon your "rights".

Choice is what leaves so many bends and bridges on our road of life. Your destiny, your ending will be the same no matter what way you take to it, but the journey is all that is yours to decided, not the destiny of your soul. That marker gets cashed in by things other than you and I. So please be good boys and girls.

But - should an angel, demon, or the devil's son himself, decided to take over your body and mind - there isn't much you can do to stop it. You have soul sure but that isn't what they want, you have a vessel in which to share and that is what they are hunting for, that's the big big mystery. When your possessed, you know, your just not in control. No more choice. But your destiny - still never changed.

They don't care about your concepts of "free will". They don't care about your take on religion, or what standing you "think" you might have within your beliefs. We are all off---way off, in our presumptions and in our knowledge.


posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by rickymouse

So, if you found that you were chosen to do these things what would you do?

Making it your job don't make it right.

I'm in the free will camp on this one.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 04:11 PM
Can free will change destiny?
That is were our faith comes in we were chosen for this life by one who invented the question itself so imo the answer is to love and serve no other master.
edit on 22-7-2012 by deadeyedick because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by rickymouse
reply to post by AQuestion

I'm always responsible for my actions. Even if a person is drunk he is still responsible for his actions. Drugs only lessen inhibitions but strong morals can overcome that.

I agree with that. Peace.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 10:50 PM
I've giving a great deal of thought to Human Destiny. I believe that as Spirits, we each plan out certain aspects of our live before birth, people we will be with, jobs, things we will do and not do, what we will try to learn, and...five "exit points," or times during your life when you will be close to death, and can die if you choose.

I have used all five of my exit points, so the next time is it. OP, I do believe that I have a mission here, and that I am performing it to the best of my ability. I have seen Destiny at work in my own life, and in other's lives too, but it is not a solid thing, more fleeting and hit and run. I think Fate has an aspect too.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by autowrench

I look at life as a school. It's got a long hallway with many open doors. You enter the hallway when you are born and from there it is your choice. In the hallway there is food and water so when you desire you can eat. In the many rooms there are fields of knowledge. We are shown a little of these rooms when we go to school but then our interest makes us spend more time in certain rooms. Even the hallway teaches us about food.

Some people spend most of their lives in certain rooms and never look around much. They aren't aware that their interests are limiting their knowledge. I have tried to visit all the rooms there are and now am making my rounds again. There is only one door I haven't investigated because it is at the far end of the hallway. That door is closed and requires us to open it and close it when we go in. Noone I have met has ever come back out. I'm pretty sure that someday I will need to go there, you see all the knowledge I am digesting is making me full of sh!t and that may be the only bathroom in the school.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by rickymouse

I look at life as a school.

You sound like me. Life, Earth Life, is a school for Spirits in training. I have come to believe it takes several hundred lifetimes to fully educate yourself in all phases of life, and all emotional ups and downs in the process. After that is Graduation. I do not know, am not aware of, how new Souls are generated, but I did get an indication of how Soul material is recycled.

There are those who would separate Human Soul from Human body.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by rickymouse

Dear rickymouse,

I sort of agree with you and autowrench to a degree. I don't so much see it as "school" where people teach us to agree with things they have determined are true as much as I see it as a place where we get to define ourselves, I believe this is the place where we choose who we really are as we face problems and make choices. I believe we choose our path and our destiny is dependent on so many other things that we do not control. This life forces us to make choices, some of us choose to deny they were choices; but, it is the true testing ground for defining ourselves and accepting responsibility for who we are. Peace.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 09:44 PM
I'm not sure. I either don't believe in it, or it is irrelevant. Eternity is a continuous now moment. When you let go of the thoughts, and be aware, you can find the peace that is there deep within when you cloud yourself with negative thoughts.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by AQuestion

The devil would have you believe a lie. By staying in one room too long you get conditioned to see things as those in that room see things. By visiting all the rooms and learning a little of each you learn to decipher the truth from deception. It's hard to believe that so many people blindly accept the conditioning that we are fed. I understand a lot of the reasons for the conditioning and agree with some of them. We are not all ready to know everything that is out there, some of the knowledge is not safe in the wrong hands. I am on my second round now, having spent many years learning to do all sorts of different jobs. Now I'm studying Science again and am disappointed in what I'm finding. Motive for money is driving science these days with research being aimed at pleasing those who pay. Medicine has become big business and lost it's way. Government has become a circus with blame throwing like little kids do. The sanity of the whole world is crumbling. There are still places to find the truth though, there are places that teach for free.

edit on 23-7-2012 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by rickymouse

Dear rickymouse,

Truth comes from within, the only thing we can know is ourselves. Quantum physics says that the observer, by the mere act of observing, changes the outcome. We are part of what is and therefore we effect what is, that does not mean that we have control over the universe. Impacting and deciding are different. We all get a say; but, not the say.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by AQuestion

I can't even effectively influence my daughters about things, they are 27 and 30, I doubt if I could effect the universe

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by rickymouse
reply to post by AQuestion

I can't even effectively influence my daughters about things, they are 27 and 30, I doubt if I could effect the universe

Dear rickymouse,

I have three, aged 22 to 31. We can effect them and do; but, they have free will and determine the outcome. I don't think I would want it any differently. I will retire soon and did my best and was decent and honest and my time is done. What I did in my industry, I did and I changed a few of them. Still, my time has passed and it is time for a new generation to determine the outcome. Some will have more effect than others, that is their choice. All will be involved in the final outcomes. Our free will means that we must cherish the free will of others. That means that we must allow others to make mistakes, rather than control their lives completely. Impact versus choice, choice is individual. Peace.

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