posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 02:27 AM
I know it's human nature to find meaning where there is none and patterns to make sense of things. However, nothing he did was at all difficult. It
just took a streak of evil and outright homicidal mania that fortunately, almost no one has in them.
Go download something like the Jolly Roger's Cookbook or Army field manuals on things like he made though. It's all on the net. If a guy with a
Master's degree couldn't recreate such basic things from a book, he had no business holding a Master's, and that's a simple fact.
The ammo, weapons and armor, as we've been hearing, are local or internet ordered.
So what did he do that was odd or above normal ability? In this nation anyway, nothing. I'd say he and the Norway shooter used similar tactics because
it works. A human predator gone wild in a group of unarmed victims works exceptionally well...he's just the latest to prove it. It's also entirely
possible he looked over the Norway shooting for ideas. He was smart, after all. Hopefully this is a real rare occurrence into the future. Animals with
human intelligence are a scary sight to see.
edit on 22-7-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)