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Israel fears attack at the olympic games ( Sunday Times front page UK )

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posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by daynight42

Because only Israel and America engage in state sponsored terrorism. Only they use this very logical tactic; not Russia, or China, or Iran (the defacto largest state sponsor of terrorism i.e. Hezbollah is financed by Iranian monies, as is Hamas, Al Qaida) or Saudi Arabia...Nope...Only Israel and America. That's how things work in your little politically illiterate head of yours.

If you want to be taken seriously, understand the nature of the game. EVERY GOVERNMENT on earth one time or another resorts to such policies. But the GREATEST sponsor of terrorism, which is Islamic, is the government of Iran and this is pretty much textbook knowledge to anyone remotely educated in political studies. Beside Iran, stands Saudi Arabia, another major sponsor of terrorism.

Yes, America/Israel helps support the Kurds and other rebels groups in the middle east, but they are only two countries. The world is bigger and more complicated than your reductionism of everything being either America or Israels fault.

These little mind games don't work with me. We've all seen how they play.

You need to read less conspiracy websites, and more political philosophy. I'm not supporting state sponsored terrorism, but this buffoonery that blames US/Israel for all acts of terrorism is so idiotically misinformed I refuse to stand by and tolerate it. There are OTHER interests out there besides democratic ones; there is Islamism, for example: this being the chief motivator of Iran and Saudi Arabia in sponsoring Hezbollah (lit. party of Allah), there is also communism/socialism, as manifested in the Russia-China bloc. Until you understand this and take it into regard when commenting on any subject, you'll look like an uneducated fool before all those who are educated in these areas.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 05:22 PM

Israel HOPES FOR attack at the olympic games [as long as it can be linked to Iran]

edit on 23-7-2012 by FOXMULDER147 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by dontreally

Considering the Jews run the US media outlets, the AP, and Reuters, and they seem to run the US gov't, which is the biggest war machine, yes, I am more likely to believe that they are behind attacks.

Israel is said to have the most efficient intelligence agency in the world. Not sure where the US stands, but together, they could prevent a lot. They probably use it to work to there advantage instead of stopping attacks.

It's not that I trust the other ME nations, it's that I DON'T trust the US-Israeli war and propaganda machine.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 05:11 PM
I am with you daynight42, both the USA and Israel, I would not trust them as far as I could throw them, they are the worst war mongerers in the world. Sorry if I offend some people, but that is my honest opinion.

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