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Bulgarians find suicide bomber DNA as Israel buries victims

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posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by Ilovecatbinlady
reply to post by Milkflavour

I take it that you buy Netanyahoo's conspiracy theory that the bombings was by Hisbollah through a Hamas contract financed by Iran employed by a mechanic that stole parts from his prime ministerial car?
edit on 21-7-2012 by Ilovecatbinlady because: (no reason given)

"The truck's last registered owner told police that he had sold it to a dealer in Peterborough, who had in turn sold the truck on to a man calling himself Tom Fox, two weeks before the bombing. After the purchase price was delivered in cash by a taxi driver, the dealer was instructed to take the truck to a nearby lorry park, and leave it there with the keys and documents hidden inside."

So that's a purchase of a vehicle, that was sold twice, paid for via a taxi driver, the truck is delivered to a lorry park and left there with documents inside.... Sound far fetched?

This is how the IRA purchased the truck that they subsequently used to blow up a Manchester shopping centre, causing an estimated £1 billion worth of damages, injuring over 200 and, somewhat miraculously, not killing anyone! (they gave a warning before the blast, as was often the case with the IRA at that time).

My point is that, just because something seems contrived doesn't mean it's not perfectly plausible. Brainwashed, mind-controlled guantanamo bay prisoners sent on pre-programmed suicide missions in silly wigs to further the agenda of a secret world government is a little bit of a stretch though
Usually (and perhaps almost disappointingly, though not in cases where lots of people died, just so we're clear on that) the most mundane and obvious explanation is the correct one.... I know that doesn't fit into people's need to scapegoat villify and bring meaning to their lives etc (read up on the psychology of why conspiracy theories exist, it's very interesting and is supported by lots of repeatable, varifiable experiments into why we think about things in this way) but, it's usually the straightforward explanations that are correct.

Oh and to be clear, NO, I don't 'believe' his explanation either, I'd like to see his evidence first...
edit on 21-7-2012 by Milkflavour because: Update

edit on 21-7-2012 by Milkflavour because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 08:18 PM
I am not sure if this connects with the Bulgarian bombing, but 2-3 days before the tragic incident, a 24 year old Lebanese was arrested in Cyprus after the police had been informed by foreign secret services that this person was planning a terrorist attack ‘maybe’ within Cypriot land, targeting Israelis. The Cypriot authorities and foreign intelligence agencies seem to monitor a second suspect who seems to have arrived after the arrest of the first suspect! An important development is the fact that a number of information reaching the secret services are from Arab countries are against terrorism. Further, according to the information from the news, the suspects are members of the Hezbollah.

Under the microscope the Cypriot security authorities are information arriving both by the secret services of Israel and the United States, while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, "shows" clearly Iran and Hezbollah to design global terrorist attack aims, which are not so expected

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
DNA sequencing doesn't take days, it takes weeks folks.

Stuff on CSI isn't real time..

If they come out in a few days with some Iranian match, I call BS right now.


High profile cases can be done within hours now
here are a few links
ABC Local

DNA from blood goes into a machine to copy it. Then it's loaded into a DNA analyzer which prints the information as graphs. Then they're read by a geneticist. How long does this take? "Two to three hours would be easy enough; it's possible with a special effort you can get under that time somewhat," said Dr. Arthur Beaudet, head of Baylor's Molecular and Human Genetics lab.

Saddam's DNA Test a Fast Job

Bin Laden's DNA match made within hours

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 03:12 AM
Am i the only one that's curious why he's wearing a hat really low and sunglasses in that picture? Why would someone about to commit suicide be concerned with being seen on camera later on?

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 04:27 AM
The Israelis are looking for a reason to take out a number of the leaders of hezbollah.

Before hezbollah was protected by Syria.

Now with the problems in Syria hezbollah is not protected and if Israel can get them to do something dumb its wipeout time for hezbollah

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by pillock

Saddam's DNA Test a Fast Job
Bin Laden's DNA match made within hours

Are you seriously going with those two examples, on this site, to prove your point? Seriously?

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 06:14 AM
reply to post by ANNED

"verily you will find them the greediest and most mischievous of people".-Allah
Saw this comment,
Kinda rings true.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by foxhoundone
reply to post by ANNED

"verily you will find them the greediest and most mischievous of people".-Allah
Saw this comment,
Kinda rings true.

When the Muslims granted them sanctuary, they were prevented from dealing in usury, dealing in gold or conducting in any unproductive professions or engage in middleman business without a license. They were free to work the land, build properties, manufacture goods, husband animals.

I think their great hate of Muslims is because they could only make a living from their labour in Islamic societies.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by Ilovecatbinlady
Anyone who is unprincipled is uncivilised. Unlike you, I favour the rule of law and find it problematic to murder anyone. Hisbollah is local to the Lebanon and they only do one thing, they defend their country from Israel. They are morally entitled to do this.

Were they defending their country from Israel when they made a raid across the border in the peacetime and abducted several soldiers, and subsequently staged rocket attacks at random civilian regions of Israel? Assuming they are involved in this attack, was this too a defensive manuever against Israel?

Do you claim I have no principals? That is certainly an arrogant claim, as my principals differ from yours. Rule of law has limits, and terrorists have no limits and take advantage in gaps of international law. By my principals, givent he game they play, they are fair game as well.

To whoever is tasked with hunting these vermin down, wherever in the world they are, I say Godspeed.

Originally posted by Ilovecatbinlady
Knifing someone in the street is "extrajudicial" therefore a criminal act. Israel is not the US and what the US does abroad has no bearing on Israel's criminal behaviour.

Knifing a known criminal who is looking to kill more and is unable to be arrested or prevented from killing, would be an act I approve of regardless of legality. And don't start with the "rule of law" bull# - the world works differently than what is written on paper.

Originally posted by Ilovecatbinlady
One thing everyone should remember, Hisbollah is only Israel's enemy. Israel lobbied the US and Nato countries to outlaw Hisbollah. Nobody believes Israel's and zionist whinging about their enemies anymore.

What about hijacking of TWA Flight 847, two bombings of US embassy in Beirut, attacks on Jewish center in Argentina (not associated with country of Israel), taking random foreign hostages in Lebanon in early 90's? Most terrorist groups have some country as a main target (ETA, IRA, Chechen mujahadeen, etc.) - do you claim that this does not make them terrorists? International recognition and prosecution of terrorist groups, even if their primary enemy is one country, is key in combating terrorism. It has to be a mutual effort.

Originally posted by Ilovecatbinlady
As far as this "larger chain of Islamist factions", this is just zionist propaganda garbage. It is worth noting that zionists have declared war on all 1.7 billion Muslims in this world and are dragging this mountain of pain onto the doorstep of America..

Do you want to post their exact language where they "declare war on Muslims"? How exactly was that? Did the "Zionists" stage attacks on 9/11? Did they attack Beslan school and Nordost theater in Russia? Did they stage bombing in Mali, Madrid, London, etc.?

The fact that you bring the notion of a "zionist conspiracy" everywhere, shows your true bias and intentions. Even though I have nothing to do with Israel or Zionism, I know your kind, and I know if it is not worth it to try and argue to have a discussion. You have an agenda, and thats great. More power to you. Let me know how many people you convince about your conspiracy and tales - purple dragons, unicords, Yeti, and all.

Originally posted by Ilovecatbinlady
You are obviously a kidder.

You got me! My cover is blown. And you are obviously a very intelligent and civilized individual with no biased opinions, who has seen through my devious intentions.

Originally posted by Ilovecatbinlady
On one hand you are against Israeli actions and on the other you conflate matters in the interests of Israel and you insistence of its right to the extrajudicial murder of people. Then you insinuate similarities between Israel and the US as justification for its criminal extrajudicial murder of civilians and Hisbollah fighters.

I am Russian. I have no relation to Israel, but I can understand their cause. I do recognize the threat of certain militant factions around the world, and the need to combat that threat. Just like Israel and US, Russia has engaged in extrajudicial killings - and I support those killings. There were no alternate means to bring the mass murders and terrorists to justice, so it did what was necessary to protect the interests and safety of its people.

Originally posted by Ilovecatbinlady
Anyone that peddles the idea that Hisbollah seeks to kill and terrorise civilians is a liar.

If you say so. And what are you peddling? An idea that there is a global Zionist conspiracy to subvert the Muslim population of the world and drag the rest of the world into it, and that there are really no radical Islamist terrorists who pose a threat to civilians - it is all propaged by the evil Zionists? You are so phenomenal and original!

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by ANNED

Some Hizbollah high ups were kidnapped by Syrian Rebels not that long ago, my gut tells me they were handed over to CIA/Mossad soon after.

By saying that, Hizbollah is about to come to an end - real soon!

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