posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 09:10 PM
If were lucky enough to have ron paul win the presidental election,then what?will have 4 to 8 years of what seems to be the best possiable solution
for the wide range of problems that the U.S has at the moment,many may not agree but if not paul then who can even remotely help us move forward.Now
to my actual point to this thread, i was pondering this while at work today,if we do indeed end up with 8 years of paul then what?after his terms r
done and hes done the best he coulda done for us whats next,do we actullay think the pres after him will hold up pauls changes or convert back to the
good ol clintin,bush,obama tactics of lies,attacks on there own people and false claims of change only to be voted in and completely reverse what they
have been saying there hole campain,im 100%in suport of Paul but im jus very worried for what will come after all his hard work.
any veiws and opions will b greatly appericated thank u and happy transending
edit on 20-7-2012 by thirdeye3spiral because: (no reason