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When do we cross the line into revolution?

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posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 08:56 PM
I just saw this article from Alt-Market and I thought it summed up fairly well what many people are concerned about - without even getting into anything extremely controversial like the conspiracies we discuss on here.

I truly hate to be pessimistic, but it appears many issues are only getting worse (economic, political, constitutional), and no one has any great solutions or least solutions that are able to be actually implemented.

Many have us have come to realize that the world or at least the Western economic world is dominated by a couple hundred (I've heard anything from 227 - 300) banking families that hold slightly under 50% of the world's financial assets - a true crime against humanity considering the poverty and disease that exists throughout the world.

Many are starting to believe a big reset is needed, and that the false left/right paradigm of US politics will never provide any solution, and that the entrenched interests will ensure any real solution such as Ron Paul never gets a fair chance.

I believe a revolution is only a matter of when not if, but we will probably need much more pain or a much bigger crisis than we have now.

Here is one of the paragraphs from the article, I thought it offered a good perspective on martial law:

Martial Law is an impractical solution to any national crisis. The Founding Fathers understood this well, which is why they specifically opposed the use of standing armies, especially in peace time. Under the Constitution, the private citizenry was supposed to be the disaster reaction force, not government paid centurions. There were multiple reasons behind this position. First, military troops are not trained for and do not have the capacity to police a domestic population (especially their own) in a practical manner. They are trained to do one thing; dominate an enemy. Second, the citizens within a particular state or county would have a much better understanding of that region’s needs and complexities. A military composed of mostly unfamiliar outsiders would not know or care about how a local system operates, and would instead try to impose its own one-size-fits-all methodology. Finally, as apathetic as many people seem, they still do not like to feel bullied or subjugated. Being surrounded by armed troops at every turn with the executive granted legal authority to detain or kill without verifiable cause would make any man a little perturbed. I do not believe many in the U.S. will quietly accept a martial law scenario, regardless of the excuse given by government (terrorism, economic disaster, foreign war, etc.). A move towards military administration of domestic affairs will lead to revolution.

Here is the rest of the article:

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

It will probably be time for a revolution when the elite think it is time for a revolution, and they will probably milk it for their own gain and secretly be behind it as well.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 09:29 PM
Most of us americans are too fat, lazy and apathtic to get involved and will just watch it on T.V.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

Yea man, that stuff is dead on. I'm ending my term of service as lower enlisted in our army's infantry and I can definately tell you that deploying a bunch of pissed off, ungrateful youngins with force in their hands, and the go ahead to use is, will abuse it, especially against civilians which we like to think our lesser, and underserving counterpart in this country.

And I'm sure there are plenty other veterans who will agree with me. There are too many people in todays military that joined for the wrong reasons, I've witnissed them 1st hand.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 09:42 PM
Sonny you just opened a big o'l can of worms.
A whole lot of ex G.I. 's won't like what you said.
Watch out .

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by OLD HIPPY DUDE

If you're refering to his post, possibly, if you're refering to my reply, I doubt it. If I directed a comment at "EX-G.I.'S" then fire at will. I said today's military, which I am a part of, therfore would know what I'm talking about, and I'm sure others will agree.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 10:06 PM
Really? Our lesser ? Really ?

especially against civilians which we like to think our lesser, and underserving counterpart in this country.
reply to post by Atrares

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 10:52 PM
Bottom line folks BOTTOM LINE>>>>>>get ready already...............Our military likes more to think they are elite...civvies are deemed somewhat inferior and always have been.......sort of weaker sisters that need shepherding.......I doubt our soldiers would turn on Americans en masse.......There would be units of both persuasions.....Remember they have wives kids , loved ones at home somewhere in America,,,,,They sure as hell would not stand for their own kin getting $% with by other units either....
The attempt to emplace martial law on America.....would be a futile admittion of loss of control and the breakdown of the laws of the republic.....Thus a dissolution of the republic since it could no longer guarantee those freedoms enshrined within its founding documents.
In other words back to statehood rule, and perhaps a later attempt to once again form a great republic founded upon similar principals....
BUT the Law of the LAND would revert to state the federal jurisdiction woud be only what the remaining troops could occupy and holdd.......
This would be a scenario where the local sherriffs may turn out to be the go to guy for some form of peace keeping, as well as defence from attempts to impose federal troops on the communities of America.....
Sherriffs have authority that is long standing, and well defined.....
All local LEOs would be far more responsible and the people would also have to be involved with defence and criminal aprehension......things may be a lot more "personal" should martial law get tried.....................
And the old rule would begin to apply with a vengeance....The enemy of my enemy is a friend.....
Unity may not be such a stretch as everyone now imagines....diversity dissapears with oppression......
In fact a definite relationship exists there......more of one less of another....till ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

edit on 19-7-2012 by stirling because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-7-2012 by stirling because: (no reason given)

A bold prediction here for you....mark these words because when the women, the wives and sweethearts the waitresses and the nurses begin to complain....when the ladies of America start to talk in the kitchens and the beauty parlors.....when they can relate to the burgeoning violence with which the laws are enforced...The increased intrusiveness of the check points and the airport scans,the indignities the old, the crippled and infirm have suffered at the hands of such as the TSA,DHS,and a holy host of agencies........
When they too whisper about the banking scandals and the derivatives rip offs and shake their heads in fiery distain.....well youll see a change in the weather then........
Then id start to expect the men to actually be ready to get on with the revolution post haste...........

edit on 19-7-2012 by stirling because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-7-2012 by stirling because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by OLD HIPPY DUDE

Really, you're acting like I said I share that opinion. At a point in my life when I was a young private I liked to think that I was more deserving of things like liberties, pay, rights, etc. Because I thoght the world owed me something. Theres a reason I'm openly opposing that view in the posts I made, theres a reason I'm leaving the military, but is there a reason you're trying to throw fuel on the flame?

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by stirling

Hey guys, thanks for some good responses!

It is great to get differing points of view on this topic, especially from ones who are serving now or who have served in the past, for they are probably in a better position to comment on how martial law would work out in the US.

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

I don't agree.

America is divided on race, religion, economic standing and political leaning.

It would only take a well-placed PR campaign to turn one group of people into "domestic terrorists" for the majority to submit to anything their federal government has to offer.

Divide and conquer works. And Americans have proven to be apathetic in most instances. They'll make it a party divide, or find some way to make an enemy within for everyone to hate. They'll make it so that the people feel safe with the military guarding their streets.

They'll do the same thing to get the military on the streets to start with. Remember, most in the military are there to serve their government. They might believe they are serving their country, but they're not. They are constantly lied to, and it works. Just look at all the obscene acts we've seen being carried out by US military in Iraq and Afghanistan. These people didn't start out in the military with the intention to gun down people without cause, blow up wedding parties, abuse and torture prisoners... they joined to "protect and serve". Propaganda did the rest.

Tell the army that there's a group of people in the USA intending to overthrow the government and 90% of them would open fire without giving it a second thought, whether it's their home state or not.

Tell the people the same story, and give them a good show to "prove" the threat and they'll be begging for the army to defend them.

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 06:49 AM
reply to post by detachedindividual

I cannot disagree that your scenario is possible. Many Americans are soft, and given the choice between revolution or keeping their iphones - ?

But what is the ultimate agenda? And who's agenda is it?

Even though I love Ron Paul, I don't think Obama is that bad of a guy, even though he is a little socialist, I don't think he wants to turn the US into the Soviet Union. I believe he has been forced to undertake some of the more controversial policies he has enacted - but by who? Who are these unseen powers?

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 06:54 AM
I think Americans are waking up.

I will gladly give in my iphone.. and every materialistic thing i have for peace and an opportunity to live my life out happy and peacefully

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by PlanetXisHERE
reply to post by detachedindividual

I cannot disagree that your scenario is possible. Many Americans are soft, and given the choice between revolution or keeping their iphones - ?

But what is the ultimate agenda? And who's agenda is it?

Even though I love Ron Paul, I don't think Obama is that bad of a guy, even though he is a little socialist, I don't think he wants to turn the US into the Soviet Union. I believe he has been forced to undertake some of the more controversial policies he has enacted - but by who? Who are these unseen powers?

Some people call them the NWO, I just see it as the inevitable result of corporate dominance.

Corporations are machines designed to grow and increase profits, that's all. They have no morality or Humanity. There are a select group of corporations at the top, and they have the control.

That is why I believe things are kept balanced. A corporation would not risk something too overpowering because it would hurt their profits domestically. But a corporation would do something to encourage a nation to go to war, and pump money their way.

Imagine a military arms manufacturer, they do something domestically just at the right time, they deal with their buddies in the government and the whole thing is spun to be an attack from whoever is flavor of the month (AQ, Iran, Gaddafi...) the corporation suddenly has a $10 bil contract for their new war, Israel gets their puppet to do the dangerous stuff, the US government gets to distract their public from all those failures and accusations of corruption or back room BJ's - everyone wins, apart from the American people of course.

That's how I believe the system works; "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours". They all gain something and the people are lied to.

That's why I don't think there is any plan on turning America into a prison camp, it would harm profits too much.

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 08:29 AM
I assure you, we will go into revolution. The people are awakening from their slumber. The class war which has existed since the beginning of society will end soon. We, the ATS members are some of the people who have awoken and have seen how cruel and corrupt the higher class is. It is up to us to spread the message.

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 08:47 AM
We'll have revolution right about the time we're too hungry to fight effectively.

Sorry 'bout the one-liner.

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 09:03 AM
Here is a link to a similar post I made.

"Causes and Necessity of taking up Arms" 1775. Are we there yet?

This could help provide an answer to your question.

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