posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 10:40 AM
Given that most of the Bible story was formed from the issues of creator gods of Sumeria that were into gold, genetic experiments, and exploitation of
others; then isn't the wiser person correct to speak against such a negative theme of god.
Calling those that resist the issues of faked up gods as satan is mostly about casting aspersions against those that speak to the issues of these
negative issues of these fake god concepts that still persist in this day.
It appears the Satan folks have the better learning of the details of religion history, and don't mind telling anyoe that they don't buy into the
greed and money cult called religion.
Be it god or satan, both are concepts in the minds of man. The issues of great good always have a lesser god and the theme for good and evil.
The question then becomes, was the concepts of god derived from the creator gods really good.
edit on 19-7-2012 by MagnumOpus because: The Dicohtomy of Religion and the search for the common good