posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 08:56 AM
Honestly, how many here are concerned there will be a day/night kind of change at the stroke of midnight or at some other hour on that particular day?
Not many, I expect. That day is already at a special time of year when the holiday season is beginning to peak and minds and moods are in a different
state, almost everyone is aware of the date and will perhaps be reflective thinking about their lives, their families, friends, and the state of the
world. Probably not much more than that. Maybe time to make a New Years or "new age" resolution to bring something new into their lives to benefit all
they are concerned for.
It will be a "special" day for me, only because of the hoopla given it. The 21st occurs on a Friday so I'm sure I will have a little celebration in
its honor - woopie, we made it through another end-of-the-world prophesy, then look forward to a new year, a new dream or challenge with a resolve to
make plan to have an even better year ahead. I'll kiss my wife and promise to take her on a nice vacation in the coming season, give us something nice
to look forward to.
21 December 2012 will be a special date because I will make it one. Why not? Any good excuse to set out on a new year or a new dream ahead. But if
something, some big idea or happening occurs leading up to then I won't just put it on the back burner waiting for my "special day" to come up, unless
timely to do so. If that happens I may have to think hard how to top it if I can. I want it to be at least a little bit special, but that is up to me
to do so. But if the Martians invade us or the global powers declare peace on Earth then wow, something else to make it even more special. Good times
ahead, because I say so. It's my life!
edit on 19-7-2012 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)