Hey im new here, to open like to share this video i stumbled upon, seems to have an olympic looking theme to it and mentions of the one world
government and so on, leave comments! goes out with a boom
It of course has nothing to do with the Olympics and its theme is clearly "1984" by George Orwell. Apple did not want to run the ad, but Steve Wozniak
(the "other" Steve) said he would pay to broadcast it himself. It's iconic, of course, and very very famous. It won tons of awards and, most
importantly, introduced the Mac, an attempt by Apple to catch the rising tide of the IBM PC, intruduced first in 1981, which it considered to be the
"corporate world." Apple was in serious trouble because of waning sales of the Apple ][, its bread and butter computer which was eclipsed by the newer
faster IBMs and their clones. Apple had introduced a defective Apple /// to yawns and then failed again with the Lisa, a very Mac-like computer
costing $10,000.
The Mac saved Apple and this commercial was very much in the corpoprate image Apple wanted to portray, a little guy overcoming great odds and an
entrenched corporate world.
A year later it aired the following Lemmings commercial in the same anti-IBM spirit during the Super Bowl.
Sometimes context helps.
edit on 7/18/2012 by schuyler because: (no reason given)
Ah im just pointing out the big boom, and the voice over saying, and you'll see why 1984 wont be, like 1984, and in alignment with it being this long
anticipated, kind of waiting to happen event, well i was just throwing it out there, i never believe too much i read these days
Originally posted by SomeRawInfo
Ah im just pointing out the big boom, and the voice over saying, and you'll see why 1984 wont be, like 1984, and in alignment with it being this long
anticipated, kind of waiting to happen event, well i was just throwing it out there, i never believe too much i read these days
Cool. I thought you would be interested in the background and reasoning for the ad. The long anticipated event happened in 1984 with the first Mac. As
I remember it, the "acolytes" in the ad were hired from a religious cult in Great Britain and paid to shave their heads.
Here's some more detailed information about the ad for your reading pleasure.
They show us 1984, Big Brother and the identically dressed drones all staring mindlessly at a screen, and tell us to stick with Apple and 1984 Won't
Look Like 1984. Look around, we've got identically dressed drones all staring mindlessly at iPads.