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Verdelli had 168 prior arrests, the majority of which were for sexual offenses, officials said.
Henry's Latest Stats
Henry's Latest Stats
Current Status:
Henry is currently in jail. He was booked on 4/26/2010.
Stats for Henry Earl's Alcohol-Related Offenses:
Number of offenses: 1030
Number of days spent in jail: 4618
Number of Offenses: 15
Number of days spent in jail: 86
Average # of days per year spent in jail: 243.05
Average duration of incarceration period: 4.49 days
Average duration of time not spent in jail: 2.01 days
Originally posted by ValentineWiggin
Thank god you aren't a lawyer, because this is another prime example of how screwed up the judicial system is. I never bought unto that until I experienced it personally. This is absolutely outrageous.
child molesting or pedophilia.