posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 01:50 PM
I will start with an add i seen in my local paper, two days ago. It was put in by the owner of our local greenhouse. It is a 4x6 add, kind of big
and draws your eye. It says..Township News...Is the Police Dept. out of control ? How much military equipment do we need in our Township ? The
building is full, it's spilling out in the driveways, and we also are storing boxes and crates of military equipment at the old Mott Brother's
Hardware Bld. Does the Police have too much time and not enough crime ? What is Police work ?
Well, me , being the curious type and time on my hands, had to go have a look see. I ride a 34 year old motorcycle and took a ride by our Township
Hall. I pulled off to the side of the road right by the hall and took off my helmet. Bent down and looking like I had bike trouble. Took a good
look around, and sure enough, there were large boxes and a bunch of wooden crates, stacked up against the side of the building. I was too far away to
see what was printed on them. Dinked around with the bike a little, and rode away. Old Mott's Hardware is across the road from a real big cemetary
where some of my family is at rest and is less than a mile from my home. I went in and went to a spot where I had a good veiw and stood and watched a
while. I was there about 20 min, and a county sheriff pulled in and went to the side of the building. Two cops got out went to the back of the Tahoe
and took out two crates and carryed them in. Someone opened the door to the building for them from the inside. This hardware has been closed for
many years, windows covered up, weeds growing in the cracks in the lot.
What the h-e double hockey sticks is going on here ? What does, my small Township need with military stuff ?
I will keep my eye on this, and let ya know if I see anything else. I will be contacting the owner of the greenhouse and see what his opinion is.
Thanks for your time. I look forward to reading and membership at ATS.