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Are YOU ready for Disclosure?

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posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
Depending on what it is. If its Tyche, it doesnt have to come in too far for it to truly be, "the end of the world". This could be "A cycle" or the "last cycle" for 3d earth.

I only like truth 100%. Its just that I'm very much concerned that their disclosure won't be the truth.

And yes, I will be able to tell.
edit on 17-7-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

I'm sticking close to you. Anyone with such a super-ego and amazing powers of perception - will you be my friend too?

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 10:55 PM
There are many worlds yet to visit, many doors yet to open, and many species and races yet to meet. Stay tuned. You haven’t seen anything yet.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
Depending on what it is. If its Tyche, it doesnt have to come in too far for it to truly be, "the end of the world". This could be "A cycle" or the "last cycle" for 3d earth.

I only like truth 100%. Its just that I'm very much concerned that their disclosure won't be the truth.

And yes, I will be able to tell.

You've misunderstood the question. Are you ready for your own localized FULL Disclosure.

I don't really care much about the other form aside from it being exciting to watch. That's already happened many times through history, we just keep choosing to ignore it as a whole.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by ExopoliticianSupreme
There are many worlds yet to visit, many doors yet to open, and many species and races yet to meet. Stay tuned. You haven’t seen anything yet.

I've seen... but I haven't touched yet.
Fingers on the dial.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by antar
reply to post by ErgoTheConfusion

Yes. Ready. To see others accept the truth that is. My own disclosure has been sealed.


posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 10:43 AM
Disclosure would not change anythign I'm doing with my life. So, why make a big deal out of it?

Sweet, someone confirmed aliens exist...time to stop everything I'm doing!

No offense, but when/if disclosure happens, I'm still going to wake up everyday and hate that I have to go to math class at 8am. The world is going to keep tumbling around the sun and proof aliens are real won't change that.

In Response to OP and his post below this one...

I wasn't speaking directly to anyone in particular. Speaking in generalities.

edit on 19-7-2012 by MmmPie because: EDIT FOR POST BELOW...also spelling.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by MmmPie

You might want to re-read the opening post.

edit on 2012/7/19 by ErgoTheConfusion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by MmmPie
I wasn't speaking directly to anyone in particular. Speaking in generalities.

Gotcha... and mostly agreed if it was just "aliens exist".

However if it's "aliens have been controlling the money supply"... well your school situation might change a bit, haha.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by ErgoTheConfusion

Reality is what it is...and eventually all will become clear - either in this life or after. The waiting is the hard part.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by ErgoTheConfusion

That was a funny reply, thank you!

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 04:41 PM
I completely understand what you mean
you have receive and accept the wake up call
its like accepting the "mission"

I have been questionning myself the reason why im here for more then 20 yrs
knew i was unique from the very start
in a way everybody is unique .. they just dont know their full potential
for that you need first to embrace the good energy karma
and reject any form of negativity .. and to arrive at your own disclosure
you need to realise all your mistake and lifes action .. and the words coming from your mouth
your interaction with life in general
we can all become beacons of light if we choose the right path

The Creator has given us ultimate freedom to choose your own path
each lifetime is a chance to correct our mistake and become more
the 21 december is the End of Times .. meaning the end of the illusion .. which is time
can we acheive the shift of earth to create a better earth
this is the Creator plan and every 26000 yrs all lifes cycle (reincarnations) ends
it is literaly the end of times and the MOST important moment .. like the final exam
you pass or you return on another 26000yrs life cycle
every souls are eternal and egual to every other souls
the Creator loves everyone egualy and gave us a chance to be what we want
and learn how to become great the opposite of evil

(this part is the first time i speak of it)
Since my sudden wake up one night where everything was fine ... i just clicked
i suddenly broke down in tears of anger mix with sadness
and the tears turn in a mather of seconds into tears of joy and love ..
very hard to describe and i never cry
sometime very rare i have red eyes and 1 tear not even falling off but thats it
like after seeing a movie with a good end lol

At this precise moment when i clicked .. i had my own disclosure .. or a part of it
the new information all dots suddenly connecting totaly caught me by surprise
no human can withstand the entire disclosure been thrown at you
it might destroy your body mind and soul if you dont keep the balance
it cannot be a full disclosure .. i still have a lot of questions
but i think it was maybe 20%
maybe now im 60% from the whole truth but cant be sure about that totaly
until you reach 100% ..

See the End of Times thread in my signature for more info
i made that thread shortly after
i wanted to share everything i know so far 20 yrs research on life itself
take what i know/suspect it might help a few to discover their own truth

the thread dont talk about me but about 2012

We live in 2 matrix for the moment .. yes thats how most are far far far from reality
first matrix is created by the government that control info and so many lifes
draining each souls to work for them depending on them each day
having more then half of everyone money they made in their lifes
has soon you get out of this matrix .. you see their lies everywhere
and how fake things mather the most for so many .. valueing cheap materials more then life itself

The other matrix was created by the Creator giving a chance for each soul to be great beings
life is a test but to realise that you need to love and value everything egualy

i say to people not believing this .. think about the WHAT IF
so dont take any chances to be eternaly shamefull of yourself
by doing stupid things or hurting animal or people intentionaly and being greedy
that certainly will not have its place on the new earth
the UFO's are aliens .. some trying to help us and other the opposite
but most of them are there to watch humanity to see if Earth will split in 2
it will be the most biggest physical important shift in the universe
when the galactic alignement occurs on this 21 december 2012
edit on 7/19/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by ExopoliticianSupreme

Originally posted by Unity_99
Depending on what it is. If its Tyche, it doesnt have to come in too far for it to truly be, "the end of the world". This could be "A cycle" or the "last cycle" for 3d earth.

I only like truth 100%. Its just that I'm very much concerned that their disclosure won't be the truth.

And yes, I will be able to tell.
edit on 17-7-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

I'm sticking close to you. Anyone with such a super-ego and amazing powers of perception - will you be my friend too?

Don' have a super ego, but know what Love is and what is fake ideas of creators returning, gods of old, microchips, and NWO order/one world government because this is the way all advanced civilizations are.

My contacts told me if disclosure happens, to hang low and watch. To begin with, once the kindergarden kids are told this, non interference is over and anyone could come in. But the positives don't just sail in due to the testing ground, the whole purpose of this planet. Is more like behind the scenes. So its a tricky issue. We are in kindergarden and this is a school/testing ground.

But true love and eutopias and positive disclosure isn't NWO, its no banks, no realtors, alot of rules and laws gone, but virtues and being taught to care for nature, and tread lightly, but clean technologies, to be responsible, with greater technology comes greater responsibility. Its abundance not scarsity, more like the Venus Project but not necessarily one sci fi way, eco farms, nature, different people have different ideas and we're here to grow up,and be able to treat each other with kindness, equality, and yet still do it our way.

Also have a few memories from way back, and even the whole out of Africa theory is bunk. Lemuria was several million years ago.

I'd be hanging back and waiting to see, what it is they are trying to sell.
edit on 19-7-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 02:15 PM
Er... we already do this as part of Authentic World (I'm not affiliated to them, but at least they brought together people, so I'm grateful for that). We sit in authenticity and honesty and openly 'disclose' our deepest fears, secrets, joy and judgments.

Truth is simple.

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by ErgoTheConfusion

I don't care about the lies, the structures put in place to sustain the lies and feed us altered and engineered perceptions of history and reality..frankly, while i obviously don't condone it, i don't even particularly care about people pushed from hospital windows, or otherwise silenced to maintain the secrecy and constructs.

I care about where we all go from here...what happens next, and how it can be a positive thing for all of us, not just the wealthy or privileged.

I am ready for the truth, i'm certainly ready for full and frank disclosure and i have been my entire life.

The sooner we can sweep away the crud from the past, the sooner we can take steps to forge our future.

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 05:55 PM
I am ready for ET disclosure since 2009. Then the expectations were high with Norway spiral over Obama (almost), and the following release of Russian footage of pyramid over Kremlin. It was not followed by anything in the official mainstream area, with exception of talks of a brown dwarf star on CNN, NASA and other sites, but in their second level editions and blogs intended for the more intellectual audience.

If the Disclosure comes in the remaining 97 days, or ON 12/21, it seems to me it will be connected to another major event:
1. planetary disaster that the ET will offer to rescue maximum people from;
2. man-made world nuclear war or the danger of such. We know the world could be destroyed by virtually each of the nuclear powers and the difference is how many times it could be destroyed. In the old communist times USSR had that by factor of 15, while USA "Only" 8 times. Will therefore the man mad genius be allowed to destroy everything living on the planet, by a higher (supposedly) intellectual, technological and moral beings? Or are they evil as we are? Questions that will find answers rather soon. Perhaps in a galaxy with 400 billion discovere stars there are all kinds of beings, let alone the rest of galaxies.

I am optimist waiting the date and even before it. 97 days are not that many. They may change my life and that of my loved ones forever. They may bring a completely new future to the generations to come. For whoever has ears let him hear. The Earth may be uninhabited planet with sulfur lakes and vapor from craters, rivers of lava and shifter plates, as it were many times during its geological history. The recovery period could be 10, or 100, 000 s years. This is all in geology, and we are not the first species to suffer it. Hope we are not the last either.

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 06:24 PM
Let me add to the above:
The ET self-disclosure or manifestation will come unexpectedly in a minute, most likely without prenotice. They will project in the atmosphere screens their messages, in relevant languages all over the world. They will offer salvation and rescue from the planet earth. Most probably physical relocation to another suitable planet for the human race, until the cataclysms on earth end (and that may take quite some time or even generations). The message of ET will be without parallel in human history.

If you follow religious prophecies, you will know of the catholic Great warning and protestant Rapture. Although the terms should not be categorized like that, even less in catholic or protestant labels, but that is how they are known. Perhaps it is one and the same event, or may be not. I don't know.

In anyway, the humanity will be given a chance to survive. I think of those millions or billions who choose not to go with the ET ships. They may be offered a second chance deep underground. It is already leaked online of more than 160 US underground CITIES and 200 Russian. We don't know anything about Chinese or Indian, but it is known of a big underground UFO base between the both countries in Himalaya. Even the legends tell of a saved race there during the last cataclysm (the Indo-European race? The Chinese?) What aready happened, will repeat again. Where we are in that process?

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 06:31 PM
I am tempted to offer to your consideration two songs of my favorite Russian children's pop band Neposedi. The first speaks of ET presence in the Universe, that we still haven't decoded its creation. The kids play as ETs on the background of running planets. All that inside Kremlin hall for the 20th anniversary of the group - N1 in Russian children's pop music. I will not transcribe the lyrics because at times it is hard to understand, but the message is more than obvious - the masses of children and their parents are readied for Disclosure! This 2011 performance was preceded by 2010 grand space disco concert in Moscow, and in a number of other cities, by another group Volshebniki dvora and others.

The second song is even more striking - the newest song of the group (do not seek quality in the record of a second-class concert) speaks of a total darkness on Earth!

free trans, not pretending of exact word match, giving the fact of poor quality of record
"World without borders - Neposedi

Light songs and light fly over the planet for that, o...o...o...

When cold is inhabited by all the people in darkness
but on the whole planet is winter
and is repeated complete darkness

only light shining from children's eyes
And the dream ...(not understandable)...upon us,
leads the planet each time with such a light

Light songs and light fly over the planet, for that, o...o...o...
World without borders make dreams in sight,o...o...o..."

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by ErgoTheConfusion

Most will fall for The Deception...The Delusion!

6 And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time. 7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. 9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 2 Thessalonians Ch. 2

Soon! "The Catching Away" Ascension... The Event...

(Saved Souls Go To Heaven) Thank You JESUS~

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