posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by verschickter
Basically "The World According to Monsanto" takes you from its roots as a producer of Agent Orange, to its PCB contamination of Snow Creek in
Anniston Alabama to the Rumsfeld days to current day and the Round Up Ready gm crops.
If you have done alot of research into Monsanto, its roots and current day shenannigans this documentary may not provide you with too much 'new'
information but for those who are just starting out in their own research into Monsanto this is an excellent video to watch, take notes on and further
your research on.
I've been hot on the heels of Monsanto for a very very long time, by the time I found this documentary I knew alot about them but I still learned
some interesting things and still use it for a spring board into further research. So whether or not you are a vet researcher into Monsanto or even
just someone with a passing interest this is a worthwhile video to watch or at the very least download, save and watch when you have more time to do
Hope this helps.