i came across this video on you tube about monsanto and gm food i know in england there was a big out cry from people saying we didn't want any of it
in our food chain , and when gm crops were planted they got destroyed by activists .
after watching this 1hour and 50 min video i realized that we had heard nothing about gm crops for many years and the answer why was in the video ,
please find the time to watch this video as it does affect all of us not matter what country you live in
the link i have put to the video has not worked properly so here is another link youtu.be...
edit on 15-7-2012 by seethetruth because: (no reason given)
Good doco, I watched it a while back.
If my memory serves me correctly, my favorite part is when they trace the I.P's from dis info posts on the net and it leads straight back to the
Monsanto company head quarters.
While I'm here, I just finished watching a documentary (literally 5 minutes ago) about the Bahraini almost revolution. I highly recommend it, it is
very powerful. Though it only mentions it briefly, it really highlights the hypocrisy in the way the west picks and chooses what revolutions it wants
to support.
yes it is that same documentary were they trace it back to monsanto , what i find worrying about it is that they no longer have to tell you what is gm
so we don't have a choice about eating it or not but what can we do our freedoms are been taken away like the right to protest yes you can protest
thats after you have asked the police if you can protest
i have put this in the wrong thread category if you have any interest in this thread please go to general conspiracies i have made the same thread
there you can comment on that thread instead of this thanks