You really want to know what the biggest weapon the world's "most powerful" military can field is? Lies. That's right, nothing but a bunch of lies,
just trying to pretend that they're more powerful than they really are. During the cold war the USSR, Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics, fielded
loads of fake weapons in an effort to fool America into thinking they were more capable than they actually were. The Soviets never even noticed that
the Americans were doing the same damn thing.
Russia's biggest mistake? They tried to play the game on their enemy's terms. A socialist state with communist tendencies tried to compete with a
capitalist economy, duh, not gonna work. What they should've done is remove the word economy from their vocabulary and watch as America crumbled. They
say communism only works if the whole world is involved, but the same rings true for capitalism. Their economy requires the participation of all
parties and all parties participate in this dumb assery.
All of the world's nations are lying to each other about how powerful they are and all the dumb asses believe it. None of them have any real power
except to lie as best they can and maintain that pathetic poker face of theirs. The biggest secret the CIA has is a worthless blimp like craft that
shoots a low powered lightning bolt. The damn thing probably costs billions and requires a whole crew of engineers to head out to the target site and
set things up before it even arrives hidden inside of a storm cloud. It's only half way useful if no one knows that it exists, it's purpose is to
attack things without anyone knowing who it was that attacked them. Now you know, just a bunch of kids with a toy gun.
How the hell no one else even figured out that stealth craft are responsible for UFO sightings is beyond me, it's so obvious an uneducated homeless
man could've figured it out. Let's not forget the all powerful missile defense shield. Did anyone else figure out that it's nothing more than an ADT
sign in the yard without the actual accompanying alarm system. It doesn't work, it's just a deterrent and here we have Russia trying to play catch up
to a system that doesn't even work.
Why are they all afraid, they all know about their own lies, but are perfectly willing to believe in the lies of their "enemies." You're all equally
weak. You wanna bring down the beast? You don't need guns, just stop buying and selling and she'll fall to pieces. HELLO!!!!
P.S. I've been told that I should respect our soldiers. I've met a few, one was HONORABLY discharged after shooting an unarmed bound prisoner in the
head for no reason other than he wanted to. Oh and remember Pat Tillman's friendly fire "accident?" That was no accident, he was such a stickler for
the rules that his own men hated him enough to murder him. Murder is legal when you're a soldier don't ya know?
Edit: And "for the record" I don't even understand this whole capitalism vs. communism BS. No one is capitalist and no one is communist, they're all
socialist for crying out loud. Ya know Hitler was socialist too.
edit on 14-7-2012 by Symbiot because: (no reason given)