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SHTF senario is coming...would you accept a job as a security officer?

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posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 09:50 AM
Jobs are hard to come by and serious civil unrest is in the air... You have already seen in the news how these security forces must use brutal force against civilians in order to keep the crowds under control and to protect government properties.

In your heart and mind you know that you will serve corrupt leaders who are to blame for the nation wide missery.

Would you accept the job in order to secure the needs of your family and friends..?

Or would you refuse the job on moral/ ethical reasons and choose to share the terrible times ahead with everybody else?

If possible, please elaborate your answer.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 09:57 AM
I think there are many variables not being addressed which would make all the difference in my answer in the real world. First and foremost, who am I working for? Local? State? Federal? That makes an enormous difference to me. Am I reporting to and working under the policies of someone who grew up in this city or a Washington gomer who thinks of my state as something less than garbage?

Also..what is being secured in general terms and against whom? Am I standing a post for the food warehouses and main supply centers for my city and area? If those fall to looters we'll have a few fat looters and many many starving civilians. Sounds like a good reason to put on a uniform in that case. I standing a post at a detention center? Now..they can shove it.
I just see so many ways little things make huge differences in your question.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 09:59 AM
No. I will not help oppress my fellow citizens. I can feed my family without destroying others.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 10:09 AM

Jobs are hard to come by and serious civil unrest is in the air... You have already seen in the news how these security forces must use brutal force against civilians in order to keep the crowds under control and to protect government properties. In your heart and mind you know that you will serve corrupt leaders who are to blame for the nation wide missery. Would you accept the job in order to secure the needs of your family and friends..? Or would you refuse the job on moral/ ethical reasons and choose to share the terrible times ahead with everybody else? If possible, please elaborate your answer.
reply to post by zatara

I have done my best to not serve this corrupt system so far. I have never lived the high-life, I have been robbed, cheated, slandered, by the system and those that have sold out already (they can't take anymore, they got it all). I don't see me starting now. I will be one of those helping others from outside the system until they lock me up and I'm fine with that. Maybe when I am in jail, I will meet a few honest people, who didn't sell out either.
edit on 14-7-2012 by ScatterBrain because: spelling correction

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by DarthMuerte
No. I will not help oppress my fellow citizens. I can feed my family without destroying others.

I'm not in the US but I agree with DarthMuerte 100%

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Yeah...I understand your point. There are so many different situations possible. Maybe it is best to think that you can be posted at all the above situations. Sometimes you will have a easy job and sometimes your conscience will be running over-time and will keep you from a good night rest.

Once you accept the job there is no easy way out..

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by zatara
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Yeah...I understand your point. There are so many different situations possible. Maybe it is best to think that you can be posted at all the above situations. Sometimes you will have a easy job and sometimes your conscience will be running over-time and will keep you from a good night rest.

Once you accept the job there is no easy way out..

Well, there is always a way out..and I'd give another thought to consider on this sort of thing. If security is oppressive and the problem, where can you do the most good in changing or...disrupting..that? From the outside as just another person they thump on....or from the inside, and trusted? Now that's not the direction I tend to think, but it's an aspect worth considering if we're crossing into uncharted waters for our nation, Your question assumes we already have.

I'm torn because I've already been on both sides of this to a degree... A lifetime ago when I was in Job Corps, I was security..and I know I did some very real good for a few people in what we'd consider minor situations to talk about here..but it sure meant a lot to them. I was also security or..ahem..Safety..when I was with Occupy. Again, I KNOW I did some real good there and in some ways I can feel good about for a long time. All the Safety people were also pretty strongly resented, if not hated by some segments of camp. (shrug) The feelings were mutual.

So..the whole topic is complex to my thinking. I'd say this much though.....I have to KNOW who I'm working and doing it for and why I'm doing what I'm being told to do. Basically, I think anything above local would have to be a No for that reason.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by ScatterBrain

I appreciate your view on the matter. Many people would choose not to accept the job but when this situation becomes reality just as many would accept the job anyways.

From your words (before you edited) I understand that you encountered such a simular situation for real...and did you give it a good thought before jumping at opportunities which could improve your life....but refused for the obvious reasons. That is what I call character.

What about a soldier applying for a job in the army, an army ruled by a corrupt government....because there are no other jobs available? Same thing..or something else?
edit on 14/7/2012 by zatara because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 11:15 AM
forget it ... not throwing away the most valuable thing I have - my life ... let the corrupt bastards protect their own property and fight their own battles .... far better things to do with my time than waste it on things that mean absolutely nothing ... always a way to earn a living without selling out ... and without oppressing others ...may not get rich but at least can face yourself in the mirror in the morning ...

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by zatara

I have only read your opening post before posting...

I would accept the job but only to try and get inside
information to post here.
I assume 'they' would do background checks on anyone
applying for a job.Your online activities could be detrimental
in getting a job there.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by mamabeth

I've heared somebody say that the demand for security personel is inversely proportional to the health of the economy. Chances are that "they" will not look very "deep" into your internet behaviour or history with the justice department when the demand for security officers is great.

It can well be that when things will become really bad "they" will screen for the more anti-social members in our community. Let us hope that it will never come as far like the nazi labourcamps with genuine sociopaths garding the "troublemakers".

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by zatara

Jobs are hard to come by and serious civil unrest is in the air... You have already seen in the news how these security forces must use brutal force against civilians in order to keep the crowds under control and to protect government properties.

In your heart and mind you know that you will serve corrupt leaders who are to blame for the nation wide missery.

Would you accept the job in order to secure the needs of your family and friends..?

Or would you refuse the job on moral/ ethical reasons and choose to share the terrible times ahead with everybody else?

You’re talking about our current government so the answer is HELL NO!

If it was a new government that is actually working for the people to rebuild our economy and restore our liberties then ABSOLUTELY!

I have no problem crushing people who work against the will of the American people, whichever side they happen to be on.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by seabag

No, I didn't want to go as far to mention the US government. But now that you mentioned it... what do you think about these boys and girls working for the Transportation Security Administration?

Me personally think the whole TSA initiative is a way to make some person or group of persons very rich and the intension to reduce terrorism a sham. Therefore, the people who join the TSA are not helping their fellow citizens or the community in put it nicely.
edit on 14/7/2012 by zatara because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by zatara

I am a security guard. My particular position does not require any violence at all. All I do is serve as the initial mouth piece for those who make the rules, and if you don't want to listen, I step back and hand the matter off to my superiors, who either call the cops or have me just write a report that keeps everyone happy and makes sure the insurance pays out if applicable.

I am a little conflicted about it sometimes, being sort of revolutionary-minded, but so far I've been able to get away with putting my foot down against the BS because I'm so solid on the things that are really legit- like burglary investigations and reporting the facts of public disturbances.

I get a lot of complaints like, "there's a guy who doesn't look like he belongs here"- I always ask for a full description and often all i get is "two young black men". I refuse to even go to the scene of those complaints. I tell them to get back on the phone with the complaining party and get back to me when they actually have something suspicious for me to check out.

I also get asked to write tickets to workers, and I refuse to do it because they always throw out tickets written to members, managers, etc- I just keep bringing them tickets on luxury cars that I know they will throw out to keep my numbers up, and they keep telling me to stop and that's just part of my daily routine. What can they say? I write more tickets than anyone else for bigger violations- they can't put in writing that I'm not writing up Mexicans like everyone else, so they can't make me do the wrong thing.

I've also been able to get rid of a couple guys who were obvious time bombs- rogue cop types you know. The worst was this high strung ex military dude. Most people who crossed this guy got screamed at and man-handled until they backed down, then couldn't get anyone to listen to their story, but I've got a good reputation and lots of friends in the chain of command, so I pushed his buttons until he pulled one of his stunts on me, then fed it right back to him. Go figure he didn't really want to fight when it's another military guy his own size who matches his every escalation without hesitating. I got written up, he got fired, and the bosses boss ended up really liking me in the course of the disciplinary proceedings. And of course my fellow officers and a couple of others around the property tell that story like I'd slain a dragon, which I admit goes right to my head.

My rationale is that I've gotta get by somehow, and I can make a small difference from the inside for now, and if thing devolve into flat out fascism, I'm a well-liked, well respected guy with some access who can protect a few people and do things for the cause much easier than some guy who has been unemployed for the last several years and cut out of the social order.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 07:04 PM

From your words (before you edited) I understand that you encountered such a simular situation for real...and did you give it a good thought before jumping at opportunities which could improve your life....but refused for the obvious reasons. That is what I call character. What about a soldier applying for a job in the army, an army ruled by a corrupt government....because there are no other jobs available? Same thing..or something else?
reply to post by zatara

Thank you. Yes, I edited it out because I wanted to try and keep the comment short.

I am guessing the guy who joins the army, join because they believe they are doing the right thing, protecting our, i'm sorry I laughed while I wrote that reason. Ok, I will be honest, I think they join because the military has the coolest toys and they present the job as a noble/courageous career, dangle the paycheck, sign-on bonus and the benefits over their head like a carrot.

There is a story somewhere in the bible that tells about a dilemma this guy had. He wanted to do the right thing but he went into a business contract with a corrupt guy. In the process of their business relationship, he was bound by contract that ultimately caused him to do bad things that he knew was wrong. He was held responsible and suffered because he should never have blindly vowed himself with the corrupt guy in the first place.

In the military, the guy vows to obey without question. I personally couldn't do a vow like that, unless there was an "out" for anything that go against my conscious. But that is up to the individual, who he will trust.

edit on 14-7-2012 by OldSchoolMom because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by The Vagabond
reply to post by zatara

My rationale is that I've gotta get by somehow, and I can make a small difference from the inside for now, and if thing devolve into flat out fascism, I'm a well-liked, well respected guy with some access who can protect a few people and do things for the cause much easier than some guy who has been unemployed for the last several years and cut out of the social order.

Very interesting reply..

Having people on the ïnside" with their heart in the right place and their skull screwed on properly can do a lot of good in good times and in bad times. I think it is a honorable argument to join a security force.

If everybody would refuse such a job because of moral reasons only un-moral people would serve such a force....which could make things very ugly when their presence and professionalism is needed to interact with citizens.

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