posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 03:16 PM
I watched the whole video. I can only imagine what would happen in the United States if this were the kind of news reported on the evening news by
ABC, CBS or NBC on a consistent basis.
It is clear that we as a nation (U.S.) are kept from knowing the truth. It appears to be that way in most other places too.
I am sad to know that everyone is being brainwashed and kept from knowing the truth.
I am sad to know that this is the state of the world.
I am sad that most of the general population either does not know, care to know or accept the state of things.
I can not do much, but, I continue to do my part in getting the word out.......and hope/pray/visualize for a better future for all of us.
P.S. Bank local! Turn of the T.V. (at least until the propaganda stops!
) and peace to all!