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The bible supports life on other planets.

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posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 10:32 AM
you can't go reading a verse or two and make your own interpretation based on that. You have to take the verse in context of what is being talked about in the chapter and also in the book. The bible doesn't talk about other planets, aliens and peoples. If it did then likely God would have to send his son to save each one. And if there was all these other inhabited planets most likely the bible would talk about it to incentivize the idea of us reaching out and communicating with them. But again it doesn't promote that idea at all. I think you're reading it wrong my friend.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by Mickierocksman
How would you feel & how do you think religious fundamentalists would react to learning that aliens were in fact responsible for our leap on the evolutionary scale?

Do you think that a belief in a ‘god’ would or even could continue at all if a race of aliens returned and said “yep, it was us that assisted your development & you are such silly animals for thinking we were gods”


Why do christian fudamentalists believe that the world is only 6000 years old, or that god put dinosaur bones there? so why would they believe aliens turning up saying that they had a hand in creating them? you see where i am going with this....blind faith.
edit on 13-7-2012 by DARREN1976 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 05:01 PM
I'm going to play devils advocate for a second. I do not necessarily believe in the Bible but I also think it should be read in it's native tounge. A lot can be lost in translation.

For example if you are in Britain and tell someone "I need a fag" they will hand you a cigarette. If you say that to someone in the US they will look at you funny. A lot can be lost in translation as words can mean many things in different languages, even in dialects of a language.

You also have to understand the perspective in which it was written. If I took an iPad back 2000 years ago, how do you think the native people would describe it? They would have to relate what they saw with things they knew to explain it to others.

Just my two cents.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by EvilSadamClone
You do realize that technically angels are extraterrestrials, don't you?

Think about it.

No, they are not. Where is the planet "heaven"?

You are confusing extraterrestrial and supernatural.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 01:27 AM
Angels aren't technically Aliens who travel at faster than light speed in flying saucers. All the passages can be explained better in the supernatural commonly accepted context regarding angels. If Angels are Aliens than the Bible is basically lying and God does not lie. Pick your poison.

Originally posted by r2d246
You can't go reading a verse or two and make your own interpretation based on that. You have to take the verse in context of what is being talked about in the chapter and also in the book. The bible doesn't talk about other planets, aliens and peoples. If it did then likely God would have to send his son to save each one. And if there was all these other inhabited planets most likely the bible would talk about it to incentivize the idea of us reaching out and communicating with them. But again it doesn't promote that idea at all. I think you're reading it wrong my friend.

Pretty much.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by Wongbeedman
reply to post by hanyak69

Heres some advice. Forget the bible. Set yourself free. Even if god is real why on earth would you follow him. "the lord is my shepard" christians are among the most closed minded religious people there are, i mean you literally are referred to as sheep by "your lord". If he exists as a physical being, he must be evil an controlling. Why else would he give us free will then forbid us from the tree of knowledge. I was bought up as a catholic. I realised. I seriously wish i wasnt baptised it makes me feel sick.

Once you realise youve been blind this whole time, youll know

Amen, brother.

You can get Bill Mahar to de-baptize you. You can also do it yourself. Go before any picture of the Xstian "Lord" or a crucifix, and say: "I break with thee, I break thee, I break with thee" and then throw some dog poopie on it. Works great. Another method is to immerse oneself in an anti-baptismal beer bath -- the cheaper the better.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by hanyak69

Ok, not to completely take a massive duce on your parade, but listen up bro, if God existed would he let all of this injustice happen on a regular basis bro? Is he or she really that busy that he or she cannot show up once in a while and say wtf is going mates, or is he or she so cool that he or she decides to not even care about the variety of unfair situations that are currently happening and key word there happened. I am starting to question where God is in a prison as we speak, because as God, as that final responsibility, even if you gave that responsibility to the most irresponsible person, that person would probably say at least one word sooner or later.

edit on 14-7-2012 by IseeyouIforseeyou because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 02:22 AM

Originally posted by hanyak69
reply to post by AfterInfinity

Read the post when they were scattered to the outer most parts of heaven they became extra-terrestrial.

And how, pray tell, can you trust anything written in the Bible? It has been transcribed/translated and censored by various persons with various agendas. The original (new testament) Bible was written in ancient Greek. I'm guessing the original Old Testament was written in Hebrew. As I understand it, certain books that were originally in it have been left out and others have been added. Lots of the stories have an uncanny resemblance to myths from other religions as well.

At one time, the Catholic Church, then THE arbiter of things Christian, said the heavens revolved around the earth, and that stars were no more than little points of light in the sky; thus, suggesting there is nowhere else in the heavens for living beings to be. Sure there was supposed to be a heaven above with God and angels and good souls, but that seems to have been put to rest by the Soyuz, Gemini, Mercury and Apollo programs... And Genesis seems to be all about the creation of the earth and its flora and fauna, including humans. Doesn't mention anything about intelligent critters on other planets in other solar systems, let alone in other galaxies. Also, the fossil record would seem to discredit much of Genesis. And if you say you aren't a believer in evolution, then I guess you don't believe bacteria can actually mutate, i.e. evolve, and become immune to anti-biotics, so you should be happy with obsolete penicillin if you should have an aggressive bacterial infection.

No doubt, Christians will come up with a "good" explanation for extraterrestrials, should they ever become manifest, but that is just making things up on the fly. If there is life on other planets, then Christians should come clean on it now: either God already created ET's and it's all documented in the Bible or not.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by hanyak69

Look up something called the Plurality of Worlds.

Through out history Christians at various times have believed this in their theology.

Its basically the thought that God is great enough to have spawned life elsewhere, and basically they would be under the same fallen state and grace that Christians on this planet would be.

It is only modern fundamentalist that goes with no aliens...

I can give you my theological view on some things...

Many of the Fundementalist flaws comes from the literal interpretation of the Pentateuch... The first five books of the bible.

Now here the thing, these first books where told to Moses by God, and according to most Christian theology you can not see God, many times when God is manifest in the OT the reference is to the ANGEL of the lord.

Stick with me here, Now the Angel of the lord is believed by many theologians to be the PRE-incarnate Christ, again if you can't see God the thought goes its Pre-incarnate christ.

The reason this matters, is God is always the same, he doesn't change, again according to Christian theology. SO if that is the Pre-incarnate Christ we can assume that he would use the same methods that Post incarnate Christ used.

Parables to teach advanced Concepts, now if the Fundamentalist where intellectually honest (and they are not, look at their views on Homosexuals, alls sins are equal, you love the sinner, and dislike the sin, yet their hatered toward them is palpable which goes against Christ teachings.)

They would admit that their where OTHER HUMANS in the creation account, Adam and Eve is the tale of the birth of the Semetic people and their blood lines. (who did Cain marry)

So again, they do what Jesus accuses the Teachers of his time of doing, FOCUSING on the LETTER of the Law, and not the concepts behind it.

The first Five books of the bible are a Preincarnate Christ, Telling Moses a Parable of human history to that point.

So I submit to you my Humble opinion to the answer to the possibility of aliens, and the problems in reading the first Five books as a litteral interpretation of creation.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by domasio
Reply to post by hanyak69

Fallen Angels, well those are Angels, not alien species, they were messengers.

Nephilim were giants weren't they? That doesn't necessarily mean aliens that came to Earth and bred with humans, that could be any sort of "larger than human" humanoid/animal.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

The Nephilim could have been Neanderthal or homo heidelbergensis, i.e. other species of hominids that were around until about about as recent as 10,000-20,000 years ago.

That said, there seems to be a more likely link between the Flying Spaghetti Monster and ET's, than between Angels, Nephilim and ETs. And frankly, I don't know why anyone believes in a Johnny-come lately religion like Christianity when there are much older religions such as Druidism, Janism, etc. By the age of humans, even Judaism is a fairly young religion. Seems the older religions ought to be more correct in their creation myths than the newer monotheistic ones.

And if you believe everything in the Bible, then you believe that slavery has its place, and that a good slave should obey his/her master. Who here believes in and is in favor of slavery???... [crickets chirping]

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 02:50 AM
Translation of OP"

I want to make sure I remain religious and that my religion will not be destroyed even though it was pointlessly forced for centuries, so I accept all sorts of life and am ready to think of all sorts of explanations so that the dogma of my religion remains untouched

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 02:52 AM

Originally posted by EvilSadamClone
You do realize that technically angels are extraterrestrials, don't you?

Think about it.

Yes. That's why many think the little grey men are demons.

See ?

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 02:54 AM
reply to post by Imtor

No. Rude one

S/He is just trying to make sense of it all.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 03:04 AM
reply to post by skepticconwatcher

It's pathetic if the ones who self proclaims themselves are skeptics are skeptical of UFO phenomenon to explain it with religious terms and ideas... really pathetic. Either don't believe anything frm religion to UFOs or don't be skeptical to serve your religion, that's an awful way and does not deserve respect

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 04:53 AM
I couldn't give a damn if Hamlet supported the theory of life on other planets. The bible is irrelevant to UFOs and is just another false crutch created by the whole practice of religion, the galaxy is way bigger than some stupid fictional belief of a "big man in the sky".

Wanna go further back? Every belief throughout human history is a rip off of the one that came before, I'm sure people originally worshipped the sun, which makes sense because at least you know it's there

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