If you take events out of time.... then yes, there isn't any stealing being done.
If you take the fact that "the focus" came up with the idea of the initial ipod - It was described in great detail - for instance - the idea that
there would be a circular mouse pad with a central button. Running one's finger around the circular mouse pad would quickly run through the music
collection on the ipod.
Or the fact that the entire story of "the Minority Report". The focus told the story as follows (I don't have the actual transcript for what was
spoken by the focus.. so I have to show you the extent to which things were "copied/borrowed"):
There are three future tellers. These people were found because they had mental disorders that under a specific treatment surfaced as an ability to
tell the future. (ie they were put in a pool of liquid, and light was bounced off of their heads and one could "see" what they were thinking). This
would then predict murders.
Someone found this out and took advantage of this to create a crime free world. This individual was trying to get this enstated all across the US. He
was the founder of an organization during a time crime hit an all high. The individual was forced to kill the mother of one of the future seers in
order to get her freed to permanently remain in the liquid. He had someone fake the murder of her mom, while he committed the murder right afterwards.
There was a cover up. The data was erased. However, the most gifted one would be used to store the images of the murder which would occasionally
slightly differ from the other twins.
Tom Cruise would be the investigating officer.... A ship would take the officers to the scene of the crime within minutes of the predictions. They
would have backpacks to help them travel around - though this would not be common. A fight would ensue at a Lexus plant. Cars would be able to move up
and down highways and would automatically take you to your destination. Tom cruise would have to have his eyes changed, since there was the ability to
send little spider like creatures to your apartments and they would scan your eyes, in order to check where you were. Every time you went any where
your ID is scanned...
You get the picture.
I am not saying that this happens all the time to only one individual - I do know that others have their ideas stolen too. This particular video was
created at the behest of "the focus" - a real life individual who lives in this world.
Many other things are also created by "the focus".... in fact a truman show, which is aimed both at the focus and those who use the "fork" tools are
deliberately aimed at making money for "fork" tools, and there is much work in the world that has been made to run around this particular "focus".
I personally work as an IT consultant, and have been in server rooms a lot. I know the reason why server rooms are shielded from so many types of
external influences. The technology that is spoken of exists - and there are many, many people who know of it's existence - though they may be in
denial of its use to generate money and "run the show" in the fashion that I've explained in threads.
As for whether anyone chooses to believe the extent of what is written - it is your own choice, unless you are a witness to said circus. It still
continues to a certain extent. Fork tools after all, have to make money/.
edit on 25-3-2013 by sensibleSenseless because: last line