posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 10:46 AM
It's always been interesting to me that being Jewish seems to be both your nationality and your relgion? In other countries you might be Chinese and
your relgion would be buddist, or Irish and thier religion might be catholic, stc., but I've noticed many Jewish folks I have met in the US anyways,
seem to define both thier nationality and relgion as being Jewish, one example was someone I met who told me her family was originally from Germany,
but they didn't consider themselves as Germans?
Maybe my perception is skewed and elsewhere this is different, but I do think the OP makes an important point about how potentially dangerous it is to
have an army who believes they are "God's" choosen people...and that would be any army, I'm not out to bash the people of Isreal, or Jewish
people....but these Zionist "nut jobs" are out of control, and something about "God's holy land" seems to be important to them, so unfortuneatly
for the citizens of Isreal, it's guilt by association. Being an American I know the feeling...and alot of good people all over the world that love
thier countries are doing thier best to speak out against our corrupt governments...and these "nut jobs" that have thier murdering "paws" in most
of them.
The people of the world DON'T want WAR.....and I don't believe "God" wants a WWIII to occur over this "Holy Land".......for God's sake....with
all the land in the middle east, and all the money wasted on these insane wars...just build another city....for that matter, let's just get rid of
War and rebuild all our cities and countries...I don't know how we stop these "bastards" but I think making it "taboo" to speak out against them
is a problem...