posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 02:36 PM
We live on a planet with separate continents, countries, cities/towns etc. There are 7 billion people, the population increasing and decreasing as
time passes. Out of all those people, 264,644 have joined ATS to share their knowledge, opinions, research, and their decision to deny ignorance.
That's a fair amount, mainly because not everyone has discovered this site yet or are simply lurking around, still making decisions. But even so
there's tons of people who have the same idea about ignorance's existence. What I really wanted you to wonder about though relates to daily life.
Wherever we decide to go we'll see some people if not many. There are all sorts of people. When I was working as a waitress one day, I had this
thought wondering if a customer who came up to me could have been one of us for no reason. Maybe it was the way the person had talked. We don't tell
the public who we are or what we do so easily after all. Afterwards I simply did my job as usual while simply thinking "What if he/she is apart of
ATS?" It's not like I expect them to be. But it's fun to imagine meeting some of the people here in real life without even knowing it, especially
those who we have seen to have such broad ways of thinking. The internet, is usually anonymous unless a person decides to reveal who they really are.
We are scattered all around the world.
So, has anyone else ever wondered if a person you met, had small talk with, or simply looked at for several seconds was apart of this community? Has
there ever been a time where you actually met somebody from here or sounded as if they were?