posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 11:02 AM
I'm submitting this idea for a high power version of the old crystal radio setup for evaluation and comment. I'm declaring this idea to be in the
public domain and therefore not patentable. I can't try it myself. I'm hoping someone else can and will post the results and also contact me
directly with those results.
Self-powering radios are old hat. They use either a specific kind of crystal or a coil. The idea is that the coil blocks a specific resonant
frequency that then follows another path which can be used to power a set of ear phones. The problem is that the amount of power that is generated is
very low and impractical for anything except listening to radio stations.
If you look at a standard schematic for a crystal radio setup, you'll see that electrons flow from the aerial down to the ground. So where do the
electrons come from? My guess is from the air immediately adjacent to the aerial. Suppose there were another source of electrons for example a 2nd
connection to the ground, which is rectified so that electrons would only flow one way from the ground to the aerial? If my theory is current, then
the resonant frequency, that is blocked by the coil, will provide the 'push' and the 2nd ground connection provides the supply of electrons. The new
circuit then becomes...ground to aerial...aerial to load (earphones or other device)...load to ground. You can find the standard crystal radio
schematic in Patrick Kelly's ebook on free energy devices in Chapter 3.
Patrick Kelly's Free Energy