posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 07:59 PM
Be Strong for your Son, and encourage him to not be afraid. Make sure he knows Sane people are the ones, who question whether they are in fact insane.
The most criminially insane have little concept that their actions or thoughts are outside the realm of healthy and normal. Sane people seek insight
into themselves it's how to keep in touch with their own feelings, thoughts, and motivations.
Perhaps you should gently encourage him, to speak with you about all he sees, maybe your love and wisdom as a parent can help him along. Letting him
know you are there, when your needed will go awfully far, as opposed to sweeping these incidents under the rug. Just let him know if he needs to talk
about it, you will lend an ear and make time for it.
I also want to stress, that you don't make him think he is weird. He's having a hard enough time, just being a kid growing up. Other children are
often cruel these days, and if they smell a weirdo, they'll jump on his back in a heartbeat. I would also ask for you to consider, looking into any
groups that adress paranormal spirit sightings, maybe a group with other gifted children.
I hope this is helpfull, and My Best Regards,