Originally posted by justwokeup
I think all those things will occur but i think their timescale is absurdly compressed and optimistic.
Its a pity as i'd like to live long enough to upload my personality/memory into a robot avatar or made to order cyborg body.
I really don't think the timescales absurd at all when you consider that in 1845 blacksmiths where still the central hub of technology in every town
and in 1945 a flying machine dropped a weapon that used nuclear fission to split an atom creating more heat than the cente of the sun...
24 years after that a man walks on the moon.
And that was all while a privileged few had access to science...
Today I carry a computer in my pocket that I can speak to asking it to call someone, remind me of things, I can have a face to face conversation with
someone on the other side of the world anywhere I am, I can search for anything I want in the world buy it and have it delivered to my home all from
this device in my pocket.
Right now I'm typing these words on this device. It will wake me up in the morning and remind me throughout the day on my appointments and if I get
lost it will show me on map exactly where I am and how to get where I want to go and tell me how long it will take to get there.
My car can park itself and lets me talk to my friends without using my hands while traveling.
I can talk to my digital games device that lets me play in an artificial world my Xbox and tell it what I want to see on my flat screen and if I don't
like what im seeing I swipe my hand through the air and the channel changes to something else.
All music, literature, science, art anything I want is accessible at the touch of a button through the Internet. I can do international banking from
home, shopping from home, dating from home etc...
It's not as absurd as all that when you think about it.
If 100 years ago we where horse and carting it about and now this I think 30 years from now will be strangerthank you think IF WE SURVIVE THAT
And that's a big if
If we can work out how to get through these problems of environment, greed and disease then we are in for some very strange and exciting times...
Star trek eat your heart out times...
Look at old sci fi...
A lot of current technology leaves it in the dust
Right now homo sapiens just has writers block just wait until the first big breakthrough happens and inspires a generation....
Next up Homo Digitalus
Homo Cyberneticus
Homo Nanotechnus
Homo Galaticus
Homo Unverisus
Homo Singulartis
edit on 28-6-2013 by Anonbeleiver77 because: (no reason given)