posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by Violater1
Tribal warfare, in the end it is little more then gang warfare. Religion has always been a tool for all kinds of thing, not saying all bad. But
history is littered with little groups ceasing any excuse they can to gain power and control over a rival tribe or party. And lets not kid ourselves
these groups have there support or else they would not exist, and the super powers including the US have used them to there benefit, or should I say
to there profit.
In some ways the way things are done today is a lot worse then the way things were done in Imperial Romes time, then at least they kept the peace
because they had to. Now a days its pretty much a free for all, and as long as the bottom dollar is flowing no one really give much of a # least of
all the corporations and there armies in those areas.
And if you would of came here some years ago you would see the people clamoring for the measures that ultimately supported such things and groups, and
there ultimate spreed across the middle east. Now a days, it's funny how people say different and seem to have changed there minds....But it is to
little, to late.